- X3440, E3-1230, 2xE5-2650v4 1Gbit 100TB From €50 Only (NL)

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Well I bought dedi for normal down/up/seed
the server looks good for now, it is awesome when you are alone on such a huge server and you can do every you want to :)
i ordered the NL dedicated server for 45€ from the offer (X3440 16GB RAM 4x2TB 1Gbps, 100TB). And must say really good machine! Full Gbit( 124mbps ) for Up- and Downloading, 8TB of storage in sum and that all for a price of 45€.
Good job man!
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Wow good to see that Host Dzire unbanned. Hey Akucard did you got your serve?

Welcome back Host Dzire

I've been waiting since Friday my server and not yet delivered me. In livechat says my server is very cheap and for that reason will not deliver fast, are not interested in their customers. For that reason I asked for my refund.


Here you go i found you :)

First of all its not dedicated server thread.
2nd you understand what we said ?

Check website :-
Written :- Delivery: 1-5 business days

You ordered on 13th ( Friday )

Next 2 day :- Saturday, Sunday ( weekends ) ( its not included in business days )

After Weekends :- 16th ( monday ) 17th ( tuesday )

Total :- 3 Business days

So Please accept we are still following what we written in website.
Still we said we will refund because we dont want to make you sad.

But still i must say it took time because of low price + high no of order.

Host DZire
If I get one of your windows dedis, will the OS have license, will it be a trial version or do you use a cracked version? I would assume not a cracked version because that would be so unprofessional.
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If I get one of your windows dedis, will the OS have license, will it be a trial version or do you use a cracked version? I would assume not a cracked version because that would be so unprofessional.

We dont provide cracked version, and its strictly not allowed in any of our servers.
We provide licensed windows and take price included in total price of server.

Added after 3 Days 18 Hours:

Hello Wjunction,

:dan::dan::dan:Stock Clearance :dan::dan::dan:.

We are offering various type of discount in dedicated servers
Please check Below Details :-

Netherlands Dedicated Server ( Leaseweb, Evoswitch DC ) :-

  • 2 x Intel Hexa-Core Xeon E5-2420 | 32GB RAM | 4x1 SATA2 + 120GB SSD | 1Gbps Full Duplex | 100TB | 1 IP | Unmanaged | 120​€ | Order Now
  • 2 x Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5620 | 32GB RAM | 6x1 SATA2 + 120GB SSD | 1Gbps Full Duplex | 200TB | 1 IP | Unmanaged | 120€ | Order Now

Promo Code :- F1R3KEB4RB

( 20 Euro Discount, Every Month )

Promo Code :- J1NB5QKUPD
( 30% Recurring Discount, For Half-yearly
Plan only)

Promo Code :- 90RV59VUBL
( 50% Recurring Discount, For Yearly Plan only)

These all 3 Promo Code can be applied for above 2 servers only

Netherlands Dedicated Server ( Leaseweb, Evoswitch DC ) :-

  • Intel Xeon X3440 | 16GB RAM | 4x2 SATA2 | 1Gbps Full Duplex | 100TB | 1 IP | Unmanaged | 55​€ | Order Now

Promo Code :- H1YE635APY

( 20% Recurring Discount, For Half-yearly Plan only)

Promo Code :- 3WNQ4T8QAC
( 35% Recurring Discount, For Yearly Plan only)

These all 2 Promo Code can be applied for above 1 servers only

Netherlands Dedicated Server ( DataPlace DC ) :-

  • 2 x Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5620 | 24GB RAM | 4x2TB SATA | 1Gbps Full Duplex | 150TB | 1 IP | Unmanaged | 95€
  • 2 x Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5620 | 24GB RAM | 500GB SSD x 2 | 1Gbps Full Duplex | 150TB | 1 IP | Unmanaged | 95€
Upgrade to 2x1Gbps Port :- 10 Euro Extra

Contact Us for ordering :-
Skype :- HostDZire

Note :- Discount is only for new order

Click On Any Above Plans And Use Coupon To Order

We are sure you dont want to miss this chance :)

Have a nice day :)

Kind Regards
Host DZire Admin
Skype :- HostDZire
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Servers down

I had some servers down for at least 1 hour. Any idea what happened ?!

Edit: the servers were back online after like 1 hour. seems that something happened in the datacenter. everything is ok now anyway.
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Sadly on my second month server is down like once every few days...

Not a good sign.


Thank you for your feedback.

I need your issues in detail
Pm me ticket id if you created any regarding this issue.
Server cant go offline without any reason, maybe hardware fault or any of your software causing this.
In both case we have to check it . We can do hardware test if you want.

Host DZire
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