HostDing | We didnt copied Alibabahost

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Active Member
We didn't copied any design from them.
Instead we bought our design from here:

And We Are better than Alibaba, as we have Fast Netrouting Servers where as alibaba is on WorldStream.

Check at :

and us at :

and we havn't had any down time till yet.

All we want to say is that as we are new in the scene so they just want to prove us wrong.

If you want to check us out, try placing an order with us at :
We didn't copied any design from them.
Instead we bought our design from here:

And We Are better than Alibaba, as we have Fast Netrouting Servers where as alibaba is on WorldStream.

Check at :

and us at :

and we havn't had any down time till yet.

All we want to say is that as we are new in the scene so they just want to prove us wrong.

If you want to check us out, try placing an order with us at :

you guys can't even type proper "engrish"
you guys can't even type proper "engrish"

So what ?
Is this a EnGLiSh Lecture Hall ? or what ?

He is trying to prove himself, let him do that.

Sorry for going Offtopic.

(But I get really mad when anyone goes on abusing anyone on their Language)
Chri5, first u type proper English then tell to others....
u dont know spelling of english as u have written "engrish" in above reply
Chri5, first u type proper English then tell to others....
u dont know spelling of english as u have written "engrish" in above reply

You're stupid. He's trying to prove his point. <_<

Anyway, good look with your hosting, seems like it's starting bad already.
Hope you can improve it. ;)
Originally Posted by Mareshal
No really? read this ->

Your order buttons were going to alibabahost until I sent you an email and you've changed them
This is not the fault of our designers, nor ours. The order buttons were not going to alibaba at the time of launch. After some days, many customers and visitors complained about an iframe virus and the links redirecting to Alibaba, this was maybe caused by someone using exploits in our server as we failed to install security suite and firewalls.

But now the firewalls are in place and we have secured our server. So now there's no question of any such activites.

@Chris : you guys can't even type proper "engrish"

Dude if your english is better than me, how about you come and teach me, i'm ready to shed some few $$$. It always takes time for someone to learn any other language, even you don't know all the languages, one is always perfect in his native language.

At least my english is understandable unlike others.
who do you think you can fool? why would someone put ONLY redirects on buttons. "that virus" could redirect entire traffic to alibabahost...please, get back on earth :D

We're not newbies lol
LOL mareshal i even know that.

But if i redirect all the trafiic the web master would immediately c to it. Unlike if you change a few links, it will take time for the webmaster to figure it out.

And i'm not blaming Alibaba for this. (No Offence)

Someone else may have done this.
hmm i was seraching for reviews and i found this topic

hmm recently i order hosting from and its very great hosting service i found 24/7 online support and good hosting plans no down time yet so guyz stop replying bad comments just order form and see yourself. i really like it i found it from
What site do you host there MO.? Upload a text file with this info as well and link to it. I just feel like the owner created another account for some reason...
This is not the fault of our designers, nor ours. The order buttons were not going to alibaba at the time of launch. After some days, many customers and visitors complained about an iframe virus and the links redirecting to Alibaba, this was maybe caused by someone using exploits in our server as we failed to install security suite and firewalls.

But now the firewalls are in place and we have secured our server. So now there's no question of any such activites.

@Chris : you guys can't even type proper "engrish"

Dude if your english is better than me, how about you come and teach me, i'm ready to shed some few $$$. It always takes time for someone to learn any other language, even you don't know all the languages, one is always perfect in his native language.

At least my english is understandable unlike others.

I was trying to say that you should know proper english if your trying to get more business as it helps with communication and people like it when someone can type perfect english with all the punctuation and shit. Didn't mean to flame you man.
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