Active Member

As the Thread Title says, we are looking for banner spots in forums/sites with good traffic .
Requirements :
1. The Site Must have good number of hits. It must have at least alexa rank <700K.
2. Sites with good page ranks are preferred.
3. The Banner should be placed on the Top center(header) of the forum .
4. we Avoid sites/forums that have clumsy of ads.(already having other hosting Ads)
5. We do check your Page everyday. If the banner found missing, then you will lose your benefits.
1. We are happy to take care of your hosting needs. either you can get shared hosting or VPS (also cloud vps possible ).
2. You can Demand your Requirements i.e the Amount of RAM, HDD and BW your Site consumes(needs).
3. We are ready to provide Affiliate links ,so that u can get 15% on all sales that you bring to us.
4. Additional benefits for those who brings lots of traffic to us.
Kindly comment your Website name with Alexa Rank and Page Rank(if any) . You can also PM me if you are really interested .
You can Find the Banner in my Signature .
Best Regards,
Host Palace Team