holly shit .. wtf ... what happen to bitshare

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كس ام الكلب صاحب صوبا


راح تاخد مخالفه من المشرف حبيبي

ممنوع الكتابه بالعربي لأنهم ما بيفهوها هههه

عن جد صارت معي واعطوني مخالفه قبل عشان رديت بالعربي

وفعلا صح كلامك

translate what I wrote :

it is not allowed to write in arabic dude

they will give u a warn

that is happen with me before

and u alright

SOPA is *****************
wow, way to be professional :facepalm:

Edit: Nice edit @Bitshare. It's a good change from "Stop talking shit".
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Atleast they paid me yesterday. Glad this is not permanent. I don't care if you have to close your thread but just don't die on us please. You could be the next best thing that could happen here. It's your time.
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