HillSide Is Scammer Read

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On 10th July I Send Payment To Hillside For Purchase Of Mobile Service Code Throw His Paypal But After Sending Him Payment Throw My Alertpay He Just Vanished And Didn't Answering Me No Answer On Yahoo No Answer Here In WJ He Showed Him Self As Scammer See The Below Proofs I Am Not Lying Is Anyone Is Going To Help Me In This Case...

My Alertpay Account


Transaction Page Proof


Proof One When I Send Him The Payment On 10th July...


i Made Dispute About Him In Alertpay See The Proof Below


Alertpay Is Taking Too Much Time To Respond Kindly Do Something And I Thought Its Enough Proof.

WJ Members Be Alert From Him........
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Thanks Jason

1st He Messaged Me On WJ Visitor Message See Below


Now HillSide Is behaving Like Child That He Don't Know Me See Below


He Must Be Banned From WJ..........

I was busy on the chess tournament -_-

On 10th July I Send Payment To Hillside For Purchase Of Mobile Service Code Throw His Paypal But After Sending Him Payment Throw My Alertpay He Just Vanished And Didn't Answering Me No Answer

Please show the chat log. You cannot just claim that we had a conversation without showing a proof.
So hes making all this up? he showed the payment he made to your email, that's good enough. You need to sort this out with the guy, scammers are the lowest kind of people.
I don't know how he was able to come up with this



I know i was supposed to ignore this, but i just had to say this...

Either AP has had an error and didnt finish the transaction (not likely)

or one of them is photoshoping the screenshot, i suggest one of you showed your acc to a mod/gmod over teamviewer or something

edit : r-t said it first :(
I have an idea to solve this if its phoshoped
Download cam studio and make a video and upload to youtube
both of them and make it private and let mod see the results

Hope i helped
sorry for commenting i though it was useful so posted
Still Now Everyone Needs The Proof If Its Not Enough Then Ask Me I Will Give You Video Proof I Hope This Time He Doesn't Make Someone Fool Like Showing His Transaction Page.

Waiting For Commands.........

And @Mr-R-T If You Wanna See My Page On Team Viewer I am Ready To Show You Everything He Is Scammer......

And Today I Got This From Alertpay


Thank you for contacting AlertPay's Resolutions department. I am happy to assist you.

After examining this specific case and the seller's Terms of Service, the Resolutions Department has decided that your claim is justified; However, our recovery efforts have not been successful. We are still working on recovering the funds. If successful, we will contact you and attempt to provide you with a refund. At this point the seller's account does not contain sufficient funds to give you a refund.

When you engage in a transaction, you accept a seller's Terms of Service, which is applied at all times. For future transactions, we ask you to closely review your seller's Terms of Service prior to making a purchase. Please refer to our User Agreement for more information: https://www.AlertPay.com/en/agreements.aspx.

His Account Has 182.32$

And Alertpay Says He Has No Sufficient Funds WTF?
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