HighStream - Video Service Official Support

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Very bad, and I agree, because there is a lot of pop, p users have already started avoiding clipwatching, and the highlight of all is that 2 days ago they still reduced for all PLAN A, PLAN B, PLAN C, PLAN D earnings and quite a lot. How much more and is it worth staying here? Have you checked and what do you think?
Very bad, and I agree, because there is a lot of pop, p users have already started avoiding clipwatching, and the highlight of all is that 2 days ago they still reduced for all PLAN A, PLAN B, PLAN C, PLAN D earnings and quite a lot. How much more and is it worth staying here? Have you checked and what do you think?

I know you have to earn something in order to pay the affiliates. But with these excess advertisements, not worth it, not for the money but for the visits you will miss per day
The support on this site is very poor, you wait for a reply in a few days, here is an example here on the forum, once a week if the answer is great. :head_bandage:All profits have been reduced from PLAN A to PLAN D, very poorly, they will lose all users as they began, and pop-up advertising is increasing. :open_mouth:Terrible. :@:disappointed:
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