HenchFile.com - PPS Only

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filehost owner online but no response ????
You have not given us your liberty reserve account number so payment cannot be processed.

Again, you need to send out Email Notices to people who switched to Liberty Reserve. Not everyone hangs in your support thread. Be a little more professional please when it comes to payment.

There is nothing on accounts page to indicate to affiliates they need to give you an account number or they aren't getting paid.
Again, you need to send out Email Notices to people who switched to Liberty Reserve. Not everyone hangs in your support thread. Be a little more professional please when it comes to payment.

There is nothing on accounts page to indicate to affiliates they need to give you an account number or they aren't getting paid.
We did, on the 20th October. Get your facts right please.

so I can be sure that the money today will be in my account? :sun:

P/S who is saying that Hench cheater and will not be paid?
Why do you say slander?

I <3 henchfile!
From the same outbound email? I see nothing on 20th October from Henchfile.
-----Original Message-----
From: outbound@henchfile.com [mailto:outbound@henchfile.com]
Sent: None
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: HenchFile.com - Service Update

Dear xxx

We'd like to take this opportunity to share with you a few updates regarding our service.

New Facebook page:
We have just launched our Facebook page located at http://www.facebook.com/HenchFile
Please show your support for our service by commenting and liking our page.

Payza announcement (affects affiliates):
On the 17th October Payza sent a global announcement to all UK based account holders advising that as of 18th October 2012 they were not allowing any UK based account holders to send or make payments. This is an unfortunate announcement and is out of our control.
As a result of this we have removed Payza as a Payout method and therefore payouts can now only be processed through Liberty Reserve.
Anyone who currently has a payout request through Payza and would like to change their payout method to Liberty Reserve must email payments@henchfile.com before 27th October 2012 with their Liberty Reserve account number that they would like payment sent to - alternatively you can keep your payout request active through Payza and at such a time when Payza change their policy we will issue payment to your account.

We would like to take the time to thank you for your ongoing and dedicated support to our service.

If you have any questions relating to this email please contact: contact@henchfile.com

Kind regards
Hench Online Services Ltd

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