Help with my personal life

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Man turkish girls aren't like in Europe and USA, i know myself. They dont lose their virginity until they get married (P.S: I meant those who live in Turkey no in Europe/USA).

Man the best way is make a joke or say that your friend did, i wanted to stop him but he's fucking crazy, just say that. And i am muslim myself that doesnt mean anything wrong, just tell the truth it wont gonna hurt you.
i didnt saw her online since, but she dont come often on msn

i am gonna say a client sended me a virus and it sended to all my msn contacts, so dont open it, if u did, please change your passwords, its was not me:$
Grow some balls and own up to your porn habits.
Lying to a girl is a major NO-NO if you like her.
Just say your friend was asking and it wasn't meant for her.

Be a MAN and own up to your shit.
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