Help me to Choose the best one

Dedicated Server for sure, why going to VPS instead Dedicated Servers?

First to go for VPS you need to know if the Cores are dedicated or shared and if there are CPU usage max allowed or not.
Of course the best is dedicated server. Go for it and the resources and performance will be better.
Both VPS servers and dedicated server hosting can handle high-traffic websites; however, the choice between the two depends on various factors such as budget, resource requirements, and scalability needs.

A VPS server is a virtual machine that shares resources with other virtual machines on the same physical server. It provides a cost-effective solution for websites with moderate to high traffic as it allows for resource allocation based on specific needs. VPS servers offer scalability, as resources can be easily added or removed as needed. However, since resources are shared among multiple virtual machines on the same physical server, there may be some performance degradation during peak traffic periods due to resource contention.

On the other hand, a dedicated server is a physical server that is dedicated solely to a single tenant or website. It provides complete control over resources and eliminates resource contention issues that may arise in VPS servers during peak traffic periods since resources are not shared with other tenants. Dedicated servers are ideal for high-traffic websites that require high levels of performance and reliability. However, they are generally more expensive than VPS servers due to the cost of the physical server and associated infrastructure.
Which one is best for high-traffic websites: a VPS server or a dedicated server?
It depends.
If your traffic is growing and you feel the need to upgrade from time to time, either use a dedicated host or a dedicated server. But if your website has certain monthly traffic and is not constantly growing, VPS is easily the answer to your needs.
I think both VPS and Dedicated server are suitable for high traffic website. They both have their advantages and it depends on your choices or depends on various factors such as cost, capacity to scale and your capital requirement. If you are projecting for high website traffic with more control over server resources then dedicated server is the best option. But if you are looking for cost effective solution with flexibility and capital isolation, then VPS can also handle high website traffic. Now its essential to evaluate your buget before making any decision.
Which one is best for high-traffic websites: a VPS server or a dedicated server?
The fact is that everything depends not on whether it is a dedicated server or VPS, but on the configuration of a particular server.
Again, your question does not contain information about the specific load on the site, or at least about the frequency of visits.

Both VPS and a dedicated server can provide high performance with the right parameters. Both types of hosting have both their advantages and disadvantages. This article well describes the advantages of VPS in comparison with a dedicated server, but here it’s the other way around

To put it simply, then the dedicated server will be completely yours and you can rest assured that only you are using the resources of your server. Or, for example, you may not be afraid of DDoS attacks that are not directed at your site, but, for example, at your neighbor on the host server on the VPS.

Probably the most important thing when choosing hosting is choosing a hosting provider.
A level of technical support should also be taken into consideration. It happens that many web site hosting services providers don't actually provide the 24/7 support they are boasting they have. There are different kinds of the support, but the most widespread is a 24/7 online support. It’s better to choose those web hosting companies that provide online technical support. It's more convenient. Of course one of the key factors is how quickly they respond to your request.
As the proprietor of an online business, you will have to make some important choices about your web hosting service. Your web hosting service controls the server where your website is located, and the right one can mean the difference between an attention-grabbing...