has Megaupload still got remote upload?

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after the new page setup at MU i can not find a way to remote links from other filehosts over to Megaupload?

any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks nCODE
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1)They disabled rewards
people didnt stop uploading

2)Disabled remote upload
Some people still loves mu

3)They released this weird promo song


That worked,Now everybody quit :D
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There's RU but it's hidden :) If you select a file to upload and then go to option you'll find RU...I've already send an email to MU saying it's not very comfortable, I hope that they fix it B-)
thanks for the feedback guys
btw are you nCODE in WBB? I always appriciate nCODE releases.
yes i am nCODE from W-BB, thank you! :)

if there is a way to do it please someone send me a message either here or over at BB

id like to keep my MU links going for all the free users but im gonna be at a loss without a means of remote :(

i need to find someway, somehow:(

Most File Host do not have remote upload any way so what is the big deal. If you want remote uploading that bad go use some crappy image host like Imagetwist Pixhost Uploadhouse Imageporter or Tinypic
thanks for the feedback guys

yes i am nCODE from W-BB, thank you! :)

if there is a way to do it please someone send me a message either here or over at BB

id like to keep my MU links going for all the free users but im gonna be at a loss without a means of remote :(

i need to find someway, somehow:(

I'm pretty sure the only way is if you are premium.
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