Hacker Group Plans to Kill Facebook on Nov. 5, 2011

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If you have a problem with them selling info. just don't use FB. I never had a FB account till just 3 months ago. I never used FB in the past because of the Privacy issue which was well known from years ago. Even though i now use FB. i only log on to check out friends news and to arrange social meets. that's bout it really. We should really all go back to the days where we used to Phone to communicate!
sony incident = simple sql inject
facebook , google = many tried and many failed

so i doubt that ANON can deal a death blow to Facebook
They sooo make me lol, Whats their lame excuse for this ?! FB selling users info ?!

Ohhhh, So its ok for them to hack sites & leak the databases containing the users private info all over the net but FB cant sell that same info to private companys, Hmmmz ...

Makes sense.

If you want privacy, Take down Lulzsec/Anon, Their teh ones leaking the info.

In B4 teh distributed /ping attacks.
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this is how osama bin laden got found and killed.
FB is for social networking...i don't think people share anything most confidential and private here which can be sold or make any harm.

And if people are sharing their information in FB, they should be careful....so these hackers and what they are doing must have some other things in their mind.
i really hope they succeed but i doubt they will be able to bring down a site like facebook
they've tried bringing down amazon a few months ago if im not mistaken and failed miserably
Of course this is going to be another fail. It's facebook we're talking about. They have huge amount of servers around whole world, you maybe can take out facebook in some smaller country but worldwide, no way.
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