Guest Section Or No Guest Section???

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Hey Guys

Ok This one puzzles around my mind all the time

Guest Section Or No Guest Section???

whats better

i get told make a guest section submit your links from there and leave the rest of the forum closed so you get more members joining your forum is that correct???

next is i get told to submit links from all over the board and leave it all open for guest you get better rankings

but im seriously getting confussed and want this problem solved and out of my mind

so whats better Guest Section Or No Guest Section???

Guest Downloads Forum
A place for you to post your OWN uploads , containing passwords that are a form of your domain. Users whom do not upload their own content and just leech, usually do not have a Guest Downloads forum.
Guest section!
Only allow trusted people to post in there as otherwise it will be full with spam/phishing stuff.

It's better since you have a control on the quality of submission
Adding a Guest Section is best, as it's a place where you can sort through, and organize your site's uploaded material. All of WarezScene's downloads are open to Guests though. :)
I have never done a guest section, I have always just allowed full access to the forums. (limited to 15 thread views a month, then they are forced to register *grouped by IP*
I think you need a guest section(closed to public posting, just staff) because theres always somebody that will spam your submits if he has access to it,or add his phishing links.Nothing worst that going to katz and checking your stuff and seeing a reply with a big red "Cocksucker" on it
I think it's good to have a guest section.People have to see your work first and then register.Believe me I do not register to every site I see.I just want their admins to take care of it and don't post crap threads
we put a guest section in our's and its paying off big time. other area's are prone to spam and phishing links, guest is locked to uploader team and mods only.

works best IMO.
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