Guess the movie!

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all of you wrong :( here is another pic

CA, the horror movie in last page is After Life?

Edit: I think it's The Last Exorcism... I can't be sure with that screenshot :|
Movie in previous page is Morke sjeler ?

ting ting ting ting ting! we have a winner :D

Scoreboard -:

CyberAff - 15 points
Protoworker - 10 points
rkze1 - 10 points
tehlolkid - 10 points
anonymal - 5 points
Maniac_ - 5 points
bxflow - 5 points
MrSandvik - 5 points
Capone - 5 points
cotufa-ssdd - 5 points
zenmaster - 5 points
abhay26 - 5 points

go ahead post yo picture abhay :D

1 - you can ask any of your friends about that picture. or you can use google to search the image (but will be good if you don't xD)
2 - you can guess only 1 time until the screenshot poster doesn't response you back if its correct (yes) or wrong (no),
3 - Once the correct answer is guessed, 5 points are awarded to the user and it becomes their turn to post up a new screenshot.
4 - If the winning user hasn't posted a new screenshot within 12 hours then anyone can step in and start a new round off. or the winning picture can pass his turn to another user by replying to that thread "i'll pass" or anything else,
5 - Whenever points are awarded the user should post up an updated scoreboard.
6 - you can post only 3 screenshots of movies if the movie isn't guessed. like you put 1 screenshot now. if 5-6 players guessed the movie but its wrong. you'll have to put another screenshot :)
7 - if its really hard movie to guess you'll have to put some hints with pictures.

your rules bro :facepalm:
yes its a english movie but the movie is also known as "Dark Souls' and i've downloaded that movie with that name "Dark Souls" lol, anyways since the winner ain't interested or have no time to post any pic. i'll allow any other user to do that. whoever enters this thread after my reply he can post a movie pic :)

Scoreboard -:

CyberAff - 15 points
Protoworker - 10 points
rkze1 - 10 points
tehlolkid - 10 points
anonymal - 5 points
Maniac_ - 5 points
bxflow - 5 points
MrSandvik - 5 points
Capone - 5 points
cotufa-ssdd - 5 points
zenmaster - 5 points
abhay26 - 5 points
protection123 - 5 points

anyways you missed your turn protection123, so i'll post the next picture :D

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