– Up to 45$/1000 downloads // 85% of sales + 30% of rebills

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remote upload super slow please fix i need upload several files
1.3gb file remote in only 55min
Upload speed: 401KB/Sec
Time remaining: 55 minutes 20 seconds
I have tried to use remote upload , it is working slowly.

We are getting a new servers this week which will solve this issue.

remote upload super slow please fix i need upload several files
1.3gb file remote in only 55min
Upload speed: 401KB/Sec
Time remaining: 55 minutes 20 seconds

Like I mentioned above, our new servers this week all fix this issue.

If you upload the work on the categories to Turkey c I would like to use my site

This is something we are thinking of doing since we have had a lot of requests, I will let you know once it is done.

- Scott

Wow u just ignored my pm and never replied ?

No I have not deliberately ignored your PM it is possible that it got deleted when I was cleaning the PM box. Please re-send it.

- Scott
Your pending payout: $21.44

Payments history DateAmountStatus 2012-01-02$21.44PENDING

Hello M.Farag, since Mastercard and Visa are currently unavailable on Alertpay we have transferred a sum from our bank account and the funds should clear in a day or two. If you want a Paypal payment I could do it instantly, sorry for the inconvenience.

Article to Alertpay credit card issue:

Thank you, Scott
GrooveFile , i uploaded full 100gb , can you give me premium ?

PM me your account username.

- Scott

the mp3 plan has a limit of 15 mb...i have mp3 files with more than 100/200 mb, please fix it in my account please

We will review this and give you an answer.

- Scott

thanks mr Scotti'll wait for alertpay :)

No problem I will forward your payment as soon as the funds are available. I was on the phone with them for 2 hours, they have great customer support!

- Scott
there is something wrong with the downloads and money earned.

2012-01-01 484 / $7.978 0 / $0 $0.273 $8.251
2012-01-02 240 / $3.294 0 / $0 $0.1418 $3.4358
2012-01-03 146 / $1.55 0 / $0 $0.042 $1.592

As you can see on 01 I got 484 downloads and I earned 7.978
on 02 I got half of the 01 i.e 240 but my earning is not half its less. 7.978/2=3.989 approx 0.70$ down
on 03 I got 146 downloads but my earning is just 1.55 that means 1000 downloads = 11$

I don't think its right.

Here is my filejungle stats where you can see my earning is almost double from downloads


in groovefile 146 downloads - 1.55 and in filejungle on 2011-12-27 153 downloads - 2.83
2.83-1.55=1.28$ difference.
waiting my payment:

My username: KarmuSz

Thankz Bro!

It should be already paid, all the payouts have been paid to day for paypal. Can you please double check ?

- Scott

there is something wrong with the downloads and money earned.

2012-01-01 484 / $7.978 0 / $0 $0.273 $8.251
2012-01-02 240 / $3.294 0 / $0 $0.1418 $3.4358
2012-01-03 146 / $1.55 0 / $0 $0.042 $1.592

As you can see on 01 I got 484 downloads and I earned 7.978
on 02 I got half of the 01 i.e 240 but my earning is not half its less. 7.978/2=3.989 approx 0.70$ down
on 03 I got 146 downloads but my earning is just 1.55 that means 1000 downloads = 11$

I don't think its right.

Here is my filejungle stats where you can see my earning is almost double from downloads


in groovefile 146 downloads - 1.55 and in filejungle on 2011-12-27 153 downloads - 2.83
2.83-1.55=1.28$ difference.

I reviewed your post and find it very interesting, we have not done any changed to our pay plans nor have we recently had problems with our stats. Can you please PM me with more information.

- Scott
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