– Up to 45$/1000 downloads // 85% of sales + 30% of rebills

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I think US server is the only thing they can manage in their service for now.
Who knows in future EU servers ;)

It is not that it is a US server, people from Europe can connect to it too.

- Scott

Why does my account keep duplicating FTP files at 4K per file? This filehost is unusable

I have given it to the developers to take a look at your account, we will give you an answer shortly.

Please upgrade your filemanager!
It so hard for moving file to other folder!

And my account is over storge. Please upgrade my account! Check your PM

Please PM me your account username.

statics frozen:'(:'(:'(:facepalm:
please upgrade my account mlutfis

Statistics should be working now and your stats will be up to date.

hope stats is okay by morning.. gonna zz now.

It is okay please check now.

Mr i need mor space please i dont have only 100 Gigas ..

PM me your account username.

- Scott
yes my too :( my stats is still frozen :( mr. scoot please fix this problem :D hope tommorow all problem is fixed by Groovefile Time :D still waiting
yes my too :( my stats is still frozen :( mr. scoot please fix this problem :D hope tommorow all problem is fixed by Groovefile Time :D still waiting


may i know how to get folder url? i want share whole folder but i can't find the folder url.

What doyou mean by FIX? Stats are still frozen... :(

Hello all,

Stats are up to date! Good luck to all :)

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