Greedy Auto Submitter

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i don't care if they use it for free either i was offering customised version so they don't have to select the sites they submit too and i would host it
lolz....... how much it takes to host one script lolz.....

and it is easily customizable you just have to edit URL.txt to add or delete sites... lolz....
Christ ya try to do a community a favor and they shoot ya down in flames! no wonder the world's a bloody mess.
i'm not selling it at all i'm just offering customization! Christ i don't care if it only a $1 a month was just trying to be helpful to the ppl that want to use a customised version that know nothing of coding!
Christ ya try to do a community a favor and they shoot ya down in flames! no wonder the world's a bloody mess.
Oh come on bud, don't get people started. You're just pissed that no one is going for it. Heck anyone with a their own forum can download the FREE script customize it and use it themselves. And it won't cost them five dollars a month.

Overall, it's not a bad site. I would change the look of it thought, to give it a more personalized look...I don't know to me it looks generic that's all. Also try having all the sites shown under each other instead of in a box with a scroll bar, just better ease of use. I would also put it strictly external css, right now you have internal, which isn't a problem since it's just one page, but it couldn't hurt to keep the code a little cleaner. And why not give it a subdomain name like
again for the cosmetic side of things....8-)
O_O wow god no, I didn't mean add a background, and I would go with that thing it looks like you picked it off google. Ok sorry JmZ but yours the best to demonstrate this. Anyways look at
, Yours looks like a cheap version of it. If you don't know css, I suggest learning it, it's not too hard, or finding someone willing to help you out. And customize it for your site, so it doesn't look like it's a rip off somebody elses. Not saying it is, just my thought on the manner.
Good Luck
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