Google to Pull out of China

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Yesterday I read somewhere that there are about 384+ Million Internet Users in China... So i think there are gonna start their own search engine :P
^ exactly. afaik baidu is the most popular search engine in china.
if google pull out of china, the chinamen will just use a different search engine.
Ahhhh Update ... Google is trying to negotiate with China. One thing they are working hard at to be honest is not to have China block things on the search engine and make it as the Internet should be. A free expression with different views. If China insists on blocking themselves in..then why do they want to keep Google there? I really respect Google unlike many other big Internet companies.

I think google will end up blocked.

Do i respect google much.No.because their support suck ... they just want to earn money from china - they do not care for freedom of speech.
they do care about freedom of speech. that is exactly why they are pulling out of china.
the chinese government censors everything the chinese ppl do, its a dictatorship.
They have taken right decision to quit China
and @ Sp32 how can you say its a publicity stunt?
i don't think google needs any publicity
publicity stunt is the dumbest think I've heard SP32.

Google has less than 20% of the search engine traffic in China and it's falling but as they have over 350 million users that's still a shit load. Badu had over 75% of the market their which depending on who you believe makes them the second biggest search engine in the world. Ya that's right, bigger than Yahoo and Bing. Accurate data is hard to get in China but their are lots of claims that they are the second biggest search engine in the world. Believe me if you optimize your site you can get great traffic from Badu.

Their are more people with internet access in China than the USA. The thing is China's internet numbers is growing like crazy. The rest of the western world like Europe and the USA has almost leveled out when compared. eg in the UK 80% have internet access with the USA being slightly less. It can't grow much more. China on the other hand has only about 20% with internet access and will be the biggest market in the world from an Internet users point of view in less than 10 years. Their's no way in the world Google would pull out of a market like that unless they were forced to.

Nobody know's for sure if they'll pull out. They have only threatened to pull out and didn't say they will. Personally I don't see them pulling out as they market is way too big with the future market even bigger to just give up on even with the censorship issues involved.
Well I did hear that China was accused by Google and MSN as the culprits that cyber attacked in January. There was a confirmation of some kind. Here it is the month of February and Google is still there. Well I guess it is true.. Money talks and bull walks...
Its quite funny that google acctully botherd to do the censorship deal with google when they could have been spending the money making $$ Somewhere else i still dont see what they gained.
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