Google Penalty for loads of big sites

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DAMMIT! I just noticed, Freshwap and Heroturko got penalized a lot, their Alexa rank is messed up.

So what would you recommend Happy? I also have one DLE website, generating a lot of recent search type pages.
DAMMIT! I just noticed, Freshwap and Heroturko got penalized a lot, their Alexa rank is messed up.

So what would you recommend Happy? I also have one DLE website, generating a lot of recent search type pages.

I'd advise disabling the recent search type pages on your DLE site for now anyway. It's best to have a small reduction in traffic rather than a sever drop from a penalty

That tool only works for large websites. As your site has such low traffic the tool thinks your site must be banned as it's not designed for small sites.

really thanks!
P.s:sry for my mistakes in typing !
Your welcome. best of luck with it.
I don't understand how this is bad, if anything its progress!

What does this mean for the downloader? Well to put it simply, it means accurate search results. There have been plenty of times when I've searched google for a release, only to find that after clicking the relevant result, it turned out to be a dead end. Sites that auto-generate content like this deserve to be penalised.

The way to be the best be the best, simple as that. Using subversive techniques like this gets you no where, and this proves that.
Okay you mentioned that the tool does not do well with small sites, which mine is one of them. But just the same I have changed keywords, and a few other things. I noticed that in my anaylatics that I am coming up slowly anyhow but it takes time.
Haha good to see Google finally bringing the hammer down on content farming sites. To make a successful site you gotta do some hard work, not run a bot or something and let it do all the work for you.

Personally, I would like to see Google improve their algorithm even further and completely take out all farm sites, spam sites and sites using scammy affiliate programs (sharingzone, frinedlyduck etc.) to generate search results for contents which doesn't actually exist on the site itself.

The reason why people use Google in the first place is because its search results are far more accurate than other competitive search engines. This update will infact enhance Google's effectiveness in producing more precise search results. So yeah, +1 to Google all the way.
Am totally happy with this move. Now people will get "real" search results and website that are worth will get the organic traffic.
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@Happy, what do you mean about that penalty? If you want to know whether your site indexed by google or not is to search it by using "" keyword, not just "yoursite"

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