Google Fails, over the years.

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Meh, I tried it once, never went back to it again. Google tries too hard to get ahead of the game with respect to its Non-Search engine projects, ect..
google can do a lot of things but what it does is tries mostly in already used sections ...

till now the only success in mojor is a search engine ... about others google needs to be creative enough to keep the stuffs simple , user friendly and other stuffs that makes the users to use it ........ -.-
google can do a lot of things but what it does is tries mostly in already used sections ...

till now the only success in mojor is a search engine ... about others google needs to be creative enough to keep the stuffs simple , user friendly and other stuffs that makes the users to use it ........ -.-

you wanna say that gmail wasnt success ? dont think so
Google is one of the few companies who can actually spend a lot of money on project (that will fail, or are just temp.) without loosing revenue. Remember the Google Car who supposed rode the California streets unmanned for months? Let them have fun, they won't lose anything ! :P
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