Google, Do you trust them ?

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The last month or so since i have started my new job (tech related) I personally have been thinking a lot about security, privacy and where the whole industry is going.

I don't know how many of you have read Googles privacy policy. When I did, I immediately understood that Google only sells one product: Our lives lol!

"We have four privacy principles that describe how we approach privacy and user information across all of our products"

Develop products that reflect strong privacy standards and practices.
Make the collection of personal information transparent.
Give users meaningful choices to protect their privacy.
Be a responsible steward of the information we hold."

What are your thoughts? Don't you worry about giving too much
data away to others?

I know and understand that on the Internet there is no real privacy and I have no problem with it. What bothers me are companies that are trying to take advantage of my self & others.

Thoughts, Suggestions, How do you feel ?
Worry more about FaceBook as a company. Google have got into trouble with security in the past and have several current lawsuits so it's a bit more careful now compared to the lazy, worry about it later approach it used to have eg Buzz. FaceBook have far more personal information on people and a minor change in their system/privacy can have a far greater impact.

Having said that neither company have my real name, personal email, date of birth, address etc. so I'm not worried they treat me as a stat.
I don't care much about what information they obtain from me. As long as they are not stealing my credit or bank info, its all good. I don't keep any important info on my laptop anyway and its not like I use my real information when signing up for any service on the net.
A friend of mine and I argue a lot as too saying 'Microsoft' supposedly has a file on everyone and the know everything about you. He says this, I don't believe it.
That's partially possible. Not for every country tho, but colleges from most of the third world countries are in some sort of a partnership with Microsoft. As they're sponsoring them, so there's probably some catch in it, e.g. Access to the colleges database or something like that.
like Jason said, is all business.

They also might sell search statistics for example they might take you age range and say the age range of 18-25 most popular search is PORN related,etc.

but selling your personal info such as Name,phone number... I dont know about that, I think facebook kind of does it.
I kind of knew that already, they sell our personal information not directly to 3rd parties but trough the Google ads. And unfortunately we have almost no choice, what Rocke said is kind of true...

But yeah, forget Google, what about Facebook?! Their privacy statement is unreadable!
It's all about their marketing policy, and because of the privacy issue new products are developed rapidly. Now a days marketers now easily what customer wants!
It's not like they will go and stalk you around or shit like that. You guys shouldn't think (or worry) about it at all, it's nothing personal. Just pure business.

You should worry more about the people near you, those who see you every day and not Google or Facebook, two big corporations.
Google first started off as the 'Good' Guys. And quickly changed their pace to the more sneaky bad guys.

They keep maintaining this facade of being one of the good guys and kept reminding everyone that they are one of the good guys and was fully transparent. Not so. They first came out with the whole "DON'T BE EVIL" slogan. But as with everything, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Microsoft first led way as one of the big guys in on the internet and was bashed with hundreds of cases in privacy and trust issues. Now Google is on the chopping block, but they're Google, theyve gotten away with everything, seriously.

Google copies millions of books (copyright infringement deemed by DOJ) for Google books, uses people to decipher ones they cant with OCR (Google's recaptcha program), and after numerous callouts by the DOJ and courts, Google doesn't stop, because well... they're Google and they don't think laws applies to them.
Take some countries that have raided Google offices in their countries. (Most recent was in S Korea due to their android tracking, police obtained warrants for illegal privacy issues but made no arrests, and I dont see them arresting anyone either).

Googles privacy issues include scanning gmail account emails to serve relevant ads, Google Earth, refusing to comply with certain state laws regarding privacy, tracking books used by users, tracking users visiting, Google Streetview capturing license plates, and sniffing WIFI data (including sensitive information). They also captured all router MAC addresses and mapped them to their location, so Google can lookup your MAC if they decide to use it. Silently capturing wifi locations, as well as your movement with a uncooperating smart phone via Android, the list goes on. Possibly future stuff would be censoring the internet via cooperating with China.

Google is pretty clever though. They make every thing free and intice people to use their apps/software/whatever so you and/or your company can become reliant on these services.

They use this data to datamine information to serve ads and who knows what else they do.
Think about these giant companies using Google Apps Email (to control their business / university / domain mail) instead of MS Mail exchange (hosted privately on their servers to be secure).
Seriously these companies must have idiots to have ITs run Google Apps as a email platform. Theyre basically willing to compromise their data to Google for the word free.

Bottom line is Google is what it is and nothing more. A MEDIA COMPANY.
Theyre in the business to make money by selling advertising and information through data mining and other ways.
They're #1 priority is to protect their company and their stockholders, not you the consumer.

A good book on the issue would be Search and Destroy, why you can't trust Google.

report to the senate

And the difference between Google, Microsoft and Facebook on privacy matter?

Facebook and MS are transparent with alot of their information and not as aggressive at gathering your shit.

Google fools everyone into thinking they're the good guys, while in turn does worse shit. Want an example? They used Google StreetView to secretly collect information on WIFI, data mine open networks, mac addresses and locations. They got caught and called out. Google then in turn apologized and said it was a glitch/error, whatever and said they will discontinue 'WiSpy'. A few years later, after some research on Android and its secret callbacks, it is figured out that Android has been secretly transmitting Wifi Networks, location information and other stuff back to the central hive, ONCE AGAIN.

So much for fucking transparency.
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