Google Chrome have more extensions than FireFox

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For me i love Chrome but it lacks the extension that I need. I used both on regular basis side by side but much of my work I only use Chrome. anybody know if AlertBox is available on Chrome?
Thanks Zarbo. I'll take a look :)

It is not meant to be difficult, it's just that I was very unsure of the statement.


maybe has to do with this:

"Mozilla has done a number of posts recently on its Add-ons Blog to talk about the add-on approval process (here’s a good one from last month). Much like Apple App Store, Firefox add-ons much be reviewed and approved before they can go live. Chrome Extensions, on the other hand, go live immediately except for a handful that access things such as files on a users computer (those are flagged to be reviewed). Almost all of the extension developers I’ve talked to prefer Google’s method, and most of them develop for both. The quick rise in number of extensions for Chrome seems to speak to that."
Nobody really is interested in how many addons a browser has because not all people use a lot of them, anyway i just use 3 addons the adblocker, lulzimage and the idm addon on firefox and the idm addon was installed automatically when i installed the idm software but yes google chrome is becoming the alpha browser and firefox developers look really dumb lately with the moves that were done lately by them.

Also i want to add that 80% of addons or more are almost worthless like copycats or addons people never ever use The same story goes for Android and IOS software if you ask me.

I still prefer Firefox 3.6 the reason why ? is because i am used to it.
Chrome sucks with java and flash idc what the tests say, firefox always loads scripts,java,flash for me faster.
Plus i don't like the fact that chrome collects data off your browsing
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