Google Chrome have more extensions than FireFox

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Mr Happy

Active Member
It's known among regular members that I prefer Chrome but I've read three comments by members in the last week that Mozilla FireFox has more addons than Chrome which is not true.

The iPhone used to have a lot more apps than Android and they advertised that a lot in the past but most people now know Android have more and if you didn't you do now.

It's the exact same case with FireFox. They used to have more but were passed back in December 2010. The problem is it didn't really make any headlines so most people still think FireFox have more when in fact Chrome will soon have twice the amount as it's so much easier to make them (I've made about 10).

What FireFox is doing is confusing people by telling you the total number of downloads of addons which is over 2.5 billion. This is because FireFox is a lot older and as most FireFox users know the addons break when you update so they need to be re-downloaded. Don't be fooled by this number and think FireFox has more addons.
may be but it does not have one of my favorite addon which i use it to do SQLi :p
It is it's just not publicly available on the Chrome web store as it promotes hacking by finding vulnerable sites and against their terms. Yes you can claim it can be used by developers but that's not the way developers debug and it's mostly used for hacking. Any FireFox extension like that can be ported in about 5 minutes.
It is it's just not publicly available on the Chrome web store as it promotes hacking by finding vulnerable sites and against their terms. Yes you can claim it can be used by developers but that's not the way developers debug and it's mostly used for hacking. Any FireFox extension like that can be ported in about 5 minutes.

As for as I know their exists no addon which can find the vlunrable site. The addon I am talking about is only for injecting the incorrect filter for string characters which has many legit features.

On topic:-
Indeed Google is the power and it can own just anything. From operating system to the browsers and now social networking not to mention its beastly search engine :facepalm:
I use both, but I still prefer firefox out of personal preference.

You can preach google chrome all you like but some people just dont like it.
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I use both, but I still prefer firefox out of personal preference.

You can preach google chrime all you like but some people just dont like it.
Oh I know that. Sure millions still use IE. I've no problem with peoples personal preference it's just giving false information constantly I don't like.
Seems like my Firefox got some things changed or cannot handle it. Getting slower day by day. Hangs up when ever a script is loaded.
That's pretty interesting, never knew, I remember last year I was thinking of moving from Firefox to Chrome, however most of the addons I had, or similar ones, weren't on Chrome.. I will check again now to see, feeling like I will be moving sides!
Well Firefox is not very light but i like for banking transaction and security.
I tried chrome at its earlier stages but i dint like it at that time.
I scrapped FireFox and moved to Google Chrome, then I don't know why but Chrome keeps giving me errors, like "Shit, I Crashed and need to be restarted!", I then moved back to FireFox and happy with it.
Can you be so kind and give me a source that says that Chrome has more extensions than Firefox?

Thanks for the information anyway. I did not know that Chrome had more extensions than Firefox. I'm still a little unsure, but I'm waiting for evidence.
I am posting from chrome right now, the browser is speedy, I like it... However I am having trouble with extensions, for instance I can't find a decent speed dial, I found a good one but the problem is it won't open in new tab when CTRL+Left mouse click, and the x-notifier extension (port of Firefox's Webmail) sometimes doesn't check all emails and I have to check all again!!

It's not that bad, but still inconvinient!
Firefox and Chrome are pretty much the same...

Yeah one might be a couple ms faster, but essentially they're the same, the addons exist for both browsers
I scrapped FireFox and moved to Google Chrome, then I don't know why but Chrome keeps giving me errors, like "Shit, I Crashed and need to be restarted!", I then moved back to FireFox and happy with it.

I guess you are using IDM. If you are, then there is an integration problem between the two, thats why chrome crashes a lot.

Also, i wish people would make extensions for opera. From what i have heard, its addon architecture is same as chrome.
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