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Still waiting for payment - admin said the 10th a week ago - It's the 13th - I messaged on the 11th and he said its coming. It's now the 13th and not here.

This will be my last time with GVH - I've slowly started to move my videos to that just opened up and they already paid me in 12 hours of me requesting it.

Better rates are always nice too, no loss in quality, and better features.

It's been fun GVH. If there is one thing that you guys messed up on, was having a horrible reputation for making timely payments.

Users we appreciate you, and your work, but that does not mean, we are gonna run away with your money, We are already running other host Yourvideohost, from last 8 Months now. New payment terms are there because of our advertisers changed their payment terms, So its a chain.

All users who posted here on forum, been told on skype about payment delay due to manual processing of payment,
If you dont get our reply in skype then you can ask on forum that you are not getting paid, In just 1-2 days.... Dont do this guys.

We pay all users via Paypal, in YVH and GVH manually. Thats why it takes time, So that does not mean host is gonna close next day. Will let you all know, if that day comes ever.

@parrjj91 , @surf2010 , @grewlis all payments been cleared .

@hariprasad we have updated file quality. sent you PM earlier week.

Good day all!
I never intended to imply that you don't pay, because you do, but you keep 'stringing' along users "Oh it'll be this day, oh it'll be this day, etc." It's just been delayed every single payment time and then delayed again after say you'll pay on a different date.
thks for my payment

Added after 11 Days 7 Hours:

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still no replay and didn't get payment since 2015-03-27
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Hello OP(yourvideohost),

We have been getting complaints that you have stopped paying your affiliates. Your last post was made on 27th march(Last Post) and after that you turned into a ghost and didn't update your thread for almost 22 days.. WHY? :|

You can't just ignore your users on support thread.

You have been given till 20th april to pay all pending payouts. We will check this thread on 21st, if we don't see any update from your side, you will be banned for scamming..

my payment from yourvideohost pending from february...admin have ban my account (for spam) because I ask via skype to pay me ....
admin yourvideohost/goodvideohost is big scammer...please ban account and close two few users..!
thanks and sorry for my english!
Hello OP(yourvideohost),

We have been getting complaints that you have stopped paying your affiliates. Your last post was made on 27th march(Last Post) and after that you turned into a ghost and didn't update your thread for almost 22 days.. WHY? :|

You can't just ignore your users on support thread.

You have been given till 20th april to pay all pending payouts. We will check this thread on 21st, if we don't see any update from your side, you will be banned for scamming..


Dear Mod.

All users been already notified a month earlier that they will get paid every 15 days instead of weekly pay. That is 10th and 25th. Now if user is asking payment on 10th same day, we cant just process it, it takes 2 days to prepare full payment file, and we have to manually send payout via Paypal. Users know that, and they have been told on Skype. Only last month we had issues with Ad company who delayed payment. so thats why it took longer. So i am not running a bank, its a business.

Now about Payouts on Yourvideohost, all users got paid on time only 2 users are banned from website and i will say that they will not get paid, as they have been abusive on skype chat, not worked as per the personal deal. etc. if they dont have respect of doing business, we cant work like it. So about those 2 users will not get paid. Anonymous is one of them, Azot is one of them. They are banned members on website.

About sending future payments, i am still saying all will get paid, we dont do like 2 users get paid and few left behind, i have been running yourvideohost for 8 months now, and show me users who are not getting paid.

Thread is not updated because already replied in yourvideohost thread about same thing.

Thank you.
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