good stream alternative without popunder (with skip trailer)

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like the big tuber
at the beginning there is a trailer, then after 15 to 30 seconds the video

is there such a hoster with model for affilates?
i think this model with the popups is out of date

it just doesn't care to see so many harmful, unpleasant advertisements at once (similar to linkbucks ..)

everyone knows this commercial interruption on youtube,
that would be nice if someone knows a hoster who offers something like that for alternative content

does anyone know one?

We are currently building a FUN community and don't want to traumatize our users with annoying popunders :laughing:

and if you are an admin or employee of and you read this, please see this as a constructive suggestion for improvement
i think you are one of the best

future could look like this:
uploader can define trailer length,
user does not get dangerous popunders
Advertiser has a guarantee that his content will be noticed

win win win
  1. Payments are made within 7 days.
No thanks

Called 77_77 and 7 days are too long this is probably an simulation

like the big tuber
at the beginning there is a trailer, then after 15 to 30 seconds the video

is there such a hoster with model for affilates?
i think this model with the popups is out of date

it just doesn't care to see so many harmful, unpleasant advertisements at once (similar to linkbucks ..)

everyone knows this commercial interruption on youtube,
that would be nice if someone knows a hoster who offers something like that for alternative content

does anyone know one?

We are currently building a FUN community and don't want to traumatize our users with annoying popunders :laughing:

and if you are an admin or employee of and you read this, please see this as a constructive suggestion for improvement
i think you are one of the best

future could look like this:
uploader can define trailer length,
user does not get dangerous popunders
Advertiser has a guarantee that his content will be noticed

win win win

This sounds nice but you have clearly no knowledge how advertisement works.
VAST / Prerolls are paid way worse than popunder, because they are less annoying and users will probably skip it / block it with adblocker.
Popunder are annoying so you remember the brand, it doesnt matter if you feel good or bad aboutit, you will remember this service.

And you can't compare google ads with other network, because google is paying way more.

So the only way for you is to buy a premium player somewhere.
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