Goimge Earn upto 12$/1000 views PP, WM, Skrill and Payza

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its already the 7th day .
waiting for my payment

Account Username :pinoyjade100

withdrawal approved though its not yet sent :)
Thank you and hoping for the payment
I have traffic from Twitter. Can I sign up ?:heiligenschein::heiligenschein:
Can you please pm the details and with your twitter username

Added after 11 minutes:

Thanks admin for the sweet payment :D
More power and long live !!

Got my payment from both ErImage and GoImage ..
Yiheey !! :D :D

Account: pinoyjade100
Your welcome and thanks for your words
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GIVE ME MY MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content"]
[TR="class: ui-widget-header"]
[TD]Date Request[/TD]
[TD]Date Recived[/TD]
[TD]Amount Recived[/TD]
[TD]Admin comment[/TD]
[TD]Transaction details[/TD]
[TR="class: yellowcolor"]
[TD] 2015-09-17 12:12:48 [/TD]
[TD] 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [/TD]
[TD] 10.3359 $[/TD]
[TD] 0 [/TD]
[TD] appproved [/TD]
[TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content"]
[TD]2015-09-19 17:44:27 [/TD]
[TD] 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [/TD]
[TD] 6.9555 $[/TD]
[TD] 0 [/TD]
[TD] pending [/TD]

I am Waiting for my money for too much time . Could you pay me ? Thank you !
Hey can you answer me few question before answering i have paid your money

1. how many money i have eat of yours?
2. we are saying from starting we don't pay on weekends? if you don't understand english let me know i will translate it any other language
3. can you see my reputation on wjuction see my user name below that 4stars are that is my hard word ?
4. who give you the right to say we are SCAMMER ?
5. please request all your money and we pay you within the week and don't use our services this is your last week with erimge and goimge
please request all the money if it is below $5 i will request manually from my side, you are not going to allow any more to use our websites

we don't like users who get there payment on time and still called us SCAMMER so please request your money this is your last week with our network

Added after 6 minutes:


see this traffic you are sending to us how we can pay you before all we fight for this and i paid you
This time i have proof and you are scamming us we don't pay for bot traffic

Thank you
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Hello Lourl ! Are you idiot ?? I didn't say nothing about your site..... i am just waiting for my money for 10 days i think. That's all bro.... Did you check who wrote that your are scammer ?? It wasn't me. So shut up..... i didn't say nothing that you are scammer. Thank you very much !

Added after 4 minutes:

and this is IP logs man .... :) I login too much in one day ? IS THIS PROBLEM :) ? LOL... This is funny.. This isn't traffic system... This is not proof nothing ...... anyway any hosts paying me, because i am not scammer.... i don't know what the problem with me ... and you didn't noticed that i had another request ??? I"ve got my money and i posted here , i said big thank you,,, but i"ve been waiting for my new payment for 10 days... and now i wrote , that i am waiting ... that's all man ! I didn't say nothing about your site, that you have scam site .... CHECK IT WHO WROTE THIS, and you will find the answer ! Thank you soo much !
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Hello Lourl ! Are you idiot ?? I didn't say nothing about your site..... i am just waiting for my money for 10 days i think. That's all bro.... Did you check who wrote that your are scammer ?? It wasn't me. So shut up..... i didn't say nothing that you are scammer. Thank you very much !

Added after 4 minutes:

and this is IP logs man .... :) I login too much in one day ? IS THIS PROBLEM :) ? LOL... This is funny.. This isn't traffic system... This is not proof nothing ...... anyway any hosts paying me, because i am not scammer.... i don't know what the problem with me ... and you didn't noticed that i had another request ??? I"ve got my money and i posted here , i said big thank you,,, but i"ve been waiting for my new payment for 10 days... and now i wrote , that i am waiting ... that's all man ! I didn't say nothing about your site, that you have scam site .... CHECK IT WHO WROTE THIS, and you will find the answer ! Thank you soo much !

I gave you traffic source man .... soo i don't know what's your problem ! I am a big uploader... on that forum there are lot of US member..... so i don't know what's your problem with me....
Every host paying me all the time, for ages... i don't know why you don't wanna pay me ? I remember you"ve laughed on me, that i am a scammer ,, after that, i proved that i am not , and you payed me , because this is the fair... and now, we have the same situation, i don't know what's your problem with me .
If you don't wanna pay me... it"s prove that you will be scam, because lot of member waiting their payment,..... so the best way, if you pay me , it's simple .. If you won't pay me, i will change host , because you don't wanna pay me ,,, and they will pay me, because i am not a scammer, but i will write in this topic, that i am the only special member , that who won't get his payment, because of you.... sorry man, but you have to count for this.. because i am not a lier...
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i gave you traffic source man .... Soo i don't know what's your problem ! I am a big uploader... On that forum there are lot of us member..... So i don't know what's your problem with me....
Every host paying me all the time, for ages... I don't know why you don't wanna pay me ? I remember you"ve laughed on me, that i am a scammer ,, after that, i proved that i am not , and you payed me , because this is the fair... And now, we have the same situation, i don't know what's your problem with me .
If you don't wanna pay me... It"s prove that you will be scam, because lot of member waiting their payment,..... So the best way, if you pay me , it's simple .. If you won't pay me, i will change host , because you don't wanna pay me ,,, and they will pay me, because i am not a scammer, but i will write in this topic, that i am the only special member , that who won't get his payment, because of you.... Sorry man, but you have to count for this.. Because i am not a lier...
are you mad or what this words is not for you

Thank you
I sent pm on Goimge, because you asked me again about my traffic source, and i sent it to you again, and now i checked my account and my payment is aproved ! So thank you ! I will post it , when i get it . I always say thank you when i get my money , because this is fair !
Thanks for the payment Lourl

Name: SiteRi

your welcome

7th day :) waiting for the payment today admin :)
Account : pinoyjade100

More power ! Cheers to success :D
payment done

Why don't paid for me?

payment done

Added after 1:

I sent pm on Goimge, because you asked me again about my traffic source, and i sent it to you again, and now i checked my account and my payment is aproved ! So thank you ! I will post it , when i get it . I always say thank you when i get my money , because this is fair !
payment done and that words are not for you mate
hope you understand

Thank you
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