Your welcomePayment Received....
Thank you
Your welcomeMoney Received :dan:
Thanks Lourl :good::good:
Ya why don't you tryThis is a good way to make money online.
Thank you.![]()
Hey mate as we are paying $12 everyone knows we are using short linkYou are using Link shorten-er which is not good. I got a warning from my uploading site where I upload my files. Please remove them if you can.
Thank you.
Pm repliedi am still waiting my payment, they said to me, i am cheater.. but i am not, i showed my link source, every file host have been paying me for ages, i am a reliable uploader , and this site doesn't wanna pay me, i don't know why... but i am still believe in goimge that they will pay me, because i saw lots of payment proof, and they are reliable as well !
Please provide me your payza and pm repliedI am waiting for my 1st payment for last 20 days :facepalm:
id is ddr13 please check
Thanks for your word your payment is clearCan you check on my support ticket on Go Image.
Account : pinoyjade100
Ticket #44
By the way, I am both using your site GoImage and ErImage ..
Thank you and more power! I love your rates.. So awesome ! :dan:
Pm me here with your username or submit a support ticketWhere do I send my traffic sourse?
you wilL get paid within 1 or 2 dayGoImage Account: pinoyjade100
Status : Cleared though payment is not yet sentI am waiting :-=:-=:-=
Thanks anyway for sending my payment from your other site ErImage..
More power admin ! :sun:
we pay to everyone why we eat your money but the thing is that please provide me a traffic source the link which you provide there is no image related to our image hostWill Lourl pay me ?? or not ? if not , i won't use your site sorry ! So tell me what's the plan ! Thank you !
Thanks for the proof and also thanks mate for your kinds words and support
Thanks for the proof payment approved paid within 1 or 2 daysWhere do I send my traffic sourse?
Pm me here with your username or submit a support ticket
Thank you
I have already sent three messages on the your site goimge - no response from you ... My login Geralog...
Send me an email and I'll give you the link of my traffic
Your welcomeThanx for payment
Your welcome and thanks for your support
I have replied you so many times please don't spam my thread pm me your traffic source, he provide me the source and i approved the payment so if you provide i will do the sameMe tooo ! I sent my traffic source and nooo answer ! I "ve sent it , in 3 times .... and nooo answer !!