Goimge Earn upto 12$/1000 views PP, WM, Skrill and Payza

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Mine is pending since 2015-08-03 13:03:13.

this is my 1st payout and its delayed
Pm replied payment approved
you will get your payment in 1 or 2 days
you get delay because we ask for the source and we have check it takes time

Thank you

Added after 6 minutes:

I read your reply. Thanks for nothing. Keep these five dollars. It is my gift for you
I don't like gifts and please don't show me your attitude for your fake traffic dude

Thank you
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Pm replied payment approved
you will get your payment in 1 or 2 days
you get delay because we ask for the source and we have check it takes time

Thank you

but i didnt get any email about the source issue :cursing:
Please check you will find otherwise we have approved your payment don't worry :P

Thank you

Added after 1:

Hey this guy is not fake. He pays. I had similar problem with him but it was sorted out after a few PMs on wjunction.

Contact him and find out what is the problem.
Thanks mate for your kind words :cough:

Thank you

Added after 2 minutes:

My affiliate account is still pending .. Please approve : pinoyjade100@gmail.com :)

Thank you

Added after 5 minutes:

Have fast payments with skrill?
We pay fast with skrill , paypal and payza webmoney little bit delay because we have to exchange it

Thank you

Added after 2 minutes:

still no money
Payment approved you will get the payment in 1 or 2 days

Thank you

Yes i have been waiting on a payment that ii requested on the 6th of this month as well.
Payment approved you will get the payment in 1 or 2 days

Thank you
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Thanks. I think you fake. Collecting money from my traffic and collect my earnings too. Thanks but no thanks. I will not recommend this host for use. Plus this guy are not showing how many vies each picture has. Just click on "Images" in your account and you will not find how many vies each picture has, Any of picture host shows this info but this. Why to hide? Just think about it
"Your affiliate account is in pending" This is shows when I click on affiliate button. Plz open it.

Username: faisalll001
Account approved

Thank you

I am just waiting for my money.... because they wanna check my source.... i answered, and i haven't got my money....​

Don't worry friend, They will definitely pay if your traffic have no issue. Its taken little time to make payment. Please be calm & hard work. :)
Thanks for your support almost all payment done only skrill it will be clear tomorrow

Thank you

I am just waiting for my money.... because they wanna check my source.... i answered, and i haven't got my money....​
Pm replied

Thank you
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