God Exists !

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No, it was through evolution. Billions of years ago the first creature on earth was a eukaryote (idk, it might be a prokaryote) that was swimming in water and from there 'science' happened (meiosis, diffusion, etc) and it soon became a fish or something, and then you know the rest. (This is just me summing up the BBC series on how life came to be.)
jsx i just don`t believe evolution is everything maybe a part is evolution ,but how the fuck the a world and everything appear by magic??? ...
No, it's always been here. It was just either all water, or ice, you know in Geography class how you talk about the worlds tectonic plates, when they coiled they change the worlds land formation.

You think the world always looked like this? For a long time it was completely ice, and some of it still is. Instead of being devided into contenites it was 1 whole block of land.
Why bother explain your belief? it hasn't worked for thousands of years with trillion of dollars, it won't work now.

Live by this rule, believe in whatever you want to believe and give the same privilege to others then life would be so much easier.

Evolution or not, the only proof is a time machine, as ridiculous as that sounds.
I don't fucking care about the people who do not believe in God

My reason for posting the video was that, it should get spread and if it came across anyone who doesn't believes in God, would start believing.

Every small step can contribute to great things.

God Bless you all !
Hmmm, I love a decent discussion as the next guy, but if this turns to a bashing thread I will have to use the hammer of admin powers on you!
Why would you hammer the 'admin' powers on me ?
What wrong did I do ?
My intentions were just to spread this message.
I'm not saying you shouldn't believe in god, everyone has the right for religion (at least in Canada you do), but really? Where are the facts, but meh.
@jsx i think if we continue replying to each other we will end arguing LOL because neither you or me will accept the others beliefs so i think this is the end my friend :P
I read it thoroughly my friend :)

But, the possibilities of this thread being a bash up is more due to the comments I read


I never thought, that this message would go on like this :/
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