-No Payments, No Support

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reply to when is the payment

Wth?! Cheat your system?!:facepalm: I do not get it, i am just pure uploader and i do not intercept how the user download it. If this is the only reason you hold my payment,then i shall provide you the pass.

Anyway, please pm me the detail of what you need and why. I just know how to post my files to get a lot of traffic. The longer it hold, more files get in and more premium it gets... This is the only thing i know... Nothing more. :'(
Please ley me know what will happen to the files I uploaded on the 31st. They are NOT FOUND I informed earlier and it is still like that.

Kindly let me know

I am not bothered what I earn (that's later) I want my files to work perfectly, money is not everything
is there any advantages to add your site name in uploaded files again?
I think everybody know that without you added again in file name.
I's in 100% PPD and 25% PPS, you said only mix plan is available, but How I am in just ppd? Is it any system error? I've changed yesterday


OMG glumbo give u more benefit than PPD yet still u want only PPD i don't know where ur brain is located!!!

Glumbo offer every affiliate 100% PPD and 25% PPS which is better than PPD alone!!!
I's in 100% PPD and 25% PPS, you said only mix plan is available, but How I am in just ppd? Is it any system error? I've changed yesterday


OMG glumbo give u more benefit than PPD yet still u want only PPD i don't know where ur brain is located!!!

Glumbo offer every affiliate 100% PPD and 25% PPS which is better than PPD alone!!!

did that mistakenly, didn't known it will be frozen :facepalm:
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- I thought is easy to understand:)...Anyway i will tell you again...Our earnings system offer: 100%PPD + 25%PPS . So why do you want to have only 100% PPD if we offer you 25%PPS too ?:) . And yes, you can not change your plans because this is maximum that we can offer you.


We had some problems yesterday for few hours with uploading process and files uploaded in that period didnt upload ok...We are sorry for that, so please try to reupload those files.
2012-09-01>>>65 / $0.1565
2012-09-01>>>88 / $0.1565

You think this is a problem?
No friends, my flower is a type of game that will entertain us
If this is intentional!
Site ok
Do not waste your time on this site for scams!
For two reason I like Glumbo:

1. Resume Support
2. No Captcha

That's why I don't mind the low rate of PPD. The only problem i see is that 15 Days of File Lifetime. Please make it at least 30 Days. Thanks.
GlumboUploads / Exo the first days to stop using other hosting and making up to $ 4 on the same day now the truth that your system disgusts alo affiliates across all host I've ever yours is the worst

2012-09-01 96 /$0.428

that gain is disgusting


this is another hosting

2012-08-01 887 / $7.62 0 / $0.00 0 / $0.00 $7.62
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