-No Payments, No Support

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i don't need u to increse the maximum BW per day how u genrerate sales if u increse the BW coz ur download already amazing for free user (speed and pararel)..i just need u to explain that's enough. i just don't like that your avoid the truth..and tried to explain with lies.
This issue is related to JDownloader or to Glumbo?


If you see the image, the files doesn't have extension and the name is incorrect. :)
Also, one file just show the link id.
first day with this site very nice
after that no no no
low rates no but very low rates :D
2012-08-28 41 / $0.119
2012-08-29 2 / $0

+1 exactly...first 1-2 day everything working good.. afterwards

stats not very low rates

very very low rates...;) like they counting for 10,000 downloads

pls fix stats issue
2012-08-23 177 / $1.6205 :sun:
2012-08-24 388 / $5.1985 =)
2012-08-25 205 / $1.3695 8-)
2012-08-26 27 / $0.189 :O
2012-08-27 125 / $0.665 :(
2012-08-28 147 / $0.5010 :'(
2012-08-29 19 / $0.0620 :facepalm:
with other host

2012-08-28 202 / $3.260 / $0.000 / $0.00 $3.26

2012-08-29 12 / $0.210 / $0.000 / $0.00 $0.21

2012-08-28 166 / $1.0310 0 / $0 $0 $1.031

2012-08-29 30 / $0.192 0 / $0 $0 $0.192

earning are not increase...

2012-08-29 32 / $0.192 0 / $0 $0 $0.192
please not avoid complain from uploader....
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Our rewards program:
  • 100% PPD + 25% from each sale.
  • We accept multiple downloads per user
  • Minimum balance for payments is $15
  • We are making payments via PayPal, Payza and Skrill.
  • We pay you weekly, every Wednesday

Today is Wednesday!
lamy, you are really lame one. They wait to pay you in 1st second of wednesday. How old are you ? 13 ?

be patient, nowadays, we are in bad bad days. Good days pass away in January.
It's seem the server not stable as my upload files sometime only uploaded half of it and sometime the size is zero.

It's seem the size change it's self in server.
upload 75MB, tested it right the size but 10 minutes the size reduce to 70MB.....=)
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Today is Wednesday!

All payments sent. Please do not provide print screens to secure our accounts.

so there is no explanation from the support team?
We see this problem. We really doing our best to slove this. Problem is that system count and somtimes not. We need to find why. Please do not push us. This night we will work to fix it for ever.
We see this problem. We really doing our best to slove this. Problem is that system count and somtimes not. We need to find why. Please do not push us. This night we will work to fix it for ever.
this kind confirmation that we we know there is a problem to admit hehehhe

owh...zoom upload has deadly the morning i get 10-30MB now not even 2MB..please check it
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hey guys i'm thinking about becoming a member of this filehost. can we trust them ? did you get your payments? please reply...
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