—From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

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this DC gives 10GBps by using 5 2GBps ports
so you will never see one streem breach 2GBps
but looks like your best there is 32MBs
just checked the server and the drives and port are not to active at the moment

Zoom needs to be setup correctly to get best speeds but yours are so low im reluctant to blame it on that
I see someone has reached 1.74GBps in the last few min Screenshot by Lightshot (upload is green)
there are so many things that can effect speed and are not all on our end
one thing I do see is the ram is at 85% yet no user account is accounting for that high a usage
ill ask IT to look into that
85% is enough to bigin to effect performance but just barley


been running a stopwatch on it for 30 min (have to activate it)
Upload speed has breached 4.1GBps during this 32 min
still not the full 10GBps but the drives max at 7GBps so getting the full 10 out of a shared system would be tricky at best
would need to stream the same file at the same time to 5 sites that can handle 2GBps and do it while no one else is doing anything in the server
possible but unlikely
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I have been getting Slow speed with the 10gbps port rdp 100GB since the last week!! that's not 10gbps speed, I was getting 200mb/s upload speed but now not even 100mb/s


plz trying to upload on nitro , uploaded , RG to check the speed again
demo's are available on my main site for 0.01
the cause is just cause our account maker needs an invoice to be paid for it to get triggered
on an 0.01 payment I get nothing cause Paypal will grab it all
im not currently offering any promo's
have found it don't work so good
people buy from the promo then don't pay the second month
better to have less servers then have them running at a loss
NL I assume you are referring to the 10GBps server
the DC has not responded to my ticket yet and there system for me to try a hard boot is broken
all I can do is wait
Again rdp is down min 12h ... i order RDP Daily Demos and still waiting for activation....

I waiting 7h for respond in my ticket .... Your support Your servers is BAD BRO !

Good Look !!!
the oldest ticket is 16 hours not 10 days Screenshot by Lightshot

the NL server your slot is on was offline when I got home
I have rebooted and it's back online

as for the demo there appears to have been a connection failure with the site and the account maker
was working yesterday from the dates on new slots Screenshot by Lightshot
I have triggered a reconnect for it but may need to wait for some other order to come in for it to get made now
new orders re trigger the account maker to re-try all failed

I see the demo has been made now
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It was down when I reported it, due some work on the server, at least I got such answer via support later that day.
You could at least check how long the server was offline, before you claimed that the problem is on my side.

Anyway... at a time when I write this post, server is offilne again.
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