—From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

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that pass isnt working also, please do something, im losing my motivation.

Added after 8 Hours 42 minutes:

If you dont resolve my issue in next couple of hours then i have to move on to some other providers.
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2 hours
I guess you have moved on then

all tickets do get dealt with sooner or later
but we have a lot to do and can't be expected to respond in such a short amount of time
but i cant wait for three days for a rdp right??? You gave me about three/four answers in last three days. No i dint purchased anything else yet. But if you dont give me a valid password and get my rdp working now then im done wih you. And please remove the live chat support from your site, it doesnt make any sense other than fooling people.

Added after 36 minutes:

Ok thats it, please refund my money. I dont need your rdp.
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I removed live chat months ago cause no one was using it
maybe I restored an old backup that contained it

I couldn't refund you from here if I wanted to
im not even sure who you are anymore and if the pass didn't work then I may have confused you with someone else the other day
this sort of support is difficult to give here
needs to be in tickets
found your ticket again
and I see another staff member has changed your pass for you yet again and gave you full login info

it's working fine I just tried the info "Ketan" gave and im logged in
the problem is at your end not the server

as for a claim at PP
that wont work as it's an intangible good
Do you have Adobe Acrobat or any other software to make PDF files ? If yes on which plans ? If no, If I buy an admin plan, can I install a software to make PDF files ?
there is a 2EU fee for changing plan/server
sorry for the charge (I used to do it for free) but I started getting flooded with IP hoppers
got to be to much work for nothing so I put a charge on it
I will continue with my current till the end of the month, and change to the new plan next month, I figured a way to do my PDF.
Also I want to say that by far this is the best RDP provider I have ever had. In 5 years I've had many RDP providers qho start good at first then they begin to overload the servers with customers, the help become non present and they take days to setud a new slot when you buy. Not this one, over 2 years, still keeping steady.
Keep up the good work, it's the only way you will get to the top, maybe one day you will get enough money to start your own datacenter ;)
we do try (14 staff)
we have an auto setup system going made by one of the staff so setup should be instant
ticket responses could be faster (normally 2-4 hours I think)

the biggest isu is the tickets that staff can't handle and get set-aside for me
no matter how many staff I get there are still some things I need to deal with myself and im just one person

it's NICE to see compliments though
mostly we just hear from the dis-satisfied people
can get discouraging
setup should be instant
if you haven't gotten login email check your spam and then open a ticket

there are a few things the require manual setup
but most are auto
one of the staff has already responded to ticket 250544

I no longer support Payment wall (the fee's are often more then my profit making me run in the hole

not sure what MT4 is but long as it don't use much CPU or ram then yes
3GB in C
and 10GB in Drive A but that is shared space meaning you need to use and then delete so others can use it
they are both 120GB drives and at that price I need to sell about 50 slots
so not much space to go around
honestly I will likely dump that server sooner or later cause there just isn't enough space
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