—From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

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I am looking at a system on a 10GB Port would cost about $450 to setup
but id have to charge more for slots on it
and so far all im getting is $10 orders
im not sure the community could afford the faster server
man they are nice though I had one a couple months back at one point I had it uploading at over 400MBS
it's tricky getting that kinda speed though

anyway it's late and I need some sleep
think about your offer more tomorrow
though im a bit reluctant to risk someone else's $
Read the rules and send us the changes using report button for your thread to be re-opened.

Tip - thread title incorrect.
Seems I forgot to add server location to my title
and posibly shouldn't have used the word Demo in my title (im not to sure about that one but no other thread has "demo" in the title)

anyway I got my thread back and am ready to give out more demo's
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all demo's filled and at the moment there are just 3 users connected to the server
and another 6-8 that didn't log off when they left

seems to be lots of room for more though (server is practically unused)
well my system has 3 drives that people use (not including the OS and it's privet drive)
ive been watching resources and normally
ram 15-20%
CPU 5-10%
drives/disks 1 at about 10-20% the other 2 at 0

though I have seen the SSD at 80% once (was a guy doing RAR work at the time)
I advised he moved the files to his drive (on an HDD) for that from now on as they are faster for that
may seem unlikely but they are
this SSD has a read rate of 200MBS and a right of 60MBS
the HDD are about 120MBS for both
so while the SSD is pretty good for torrents (much better at multy tasking with no moving parts)
the HDD's are better for working on the files

SSD really shines in uploading with that read speed
shame it doesn't have more space

all demo's given
and the system is still running smooth
I can give out more demo's anytime
thankyou 4 everything you have done 4 me u r such a kind and nice person allthrough i have disturbed u a lot even then you helped me rectifying some minor gliches which endup pointing to my own network issues .anyways best of luck with u and ur services
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