Getting 1000 downloads per day

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Now HF: upload more = drop to copper even if you got many downloads for all files
I have an account got many sales + many downloads but rank still is Bronze (Stopped upload to this account but the rank still not change)
lol.. the thing is, 10mb file must get 100downloads, then you wont lose your rank and you will be at platinum all the time...

and because u upload porn, almost 100mb file, that file must get 1000 downloads to stay on platinum :S
I think the reason isn't file size or downloads, maybe HF changed their Rank system 'cause i had the same downloads, upload 5-10 movies per day as the past, nothing change
Now HF is: earns a lot = hard to stay on Platinum :))
i know! I only just needed $2 to get my first payout from them, and what do they do? They depromote me. I swear man even FileSonic is better. Just started to use them and already made .50 with only 2 Links!!
I think you have to post a lot daily.. Also to really earn you could try to become a editor on a porn/warez blog. I have no idea how you would do this though lol.
Stopped uploading to hf =/ I got 2k rs premium points from yesterday afternoon :)) its less because I almost stopped uploading :/ Thats kinda auto generating :p

i have more than 1k downloads on rs and i dont have any points,
shud i have rapidpro?

also i get 100 daily filesonic and some 30 daily fileserve.
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