GamblingPro - gambling/betting CPA network with more than 800 offers

As always, Ukrainian offers convert very well so we want to present you a new offer - Grompoker
We haven't had any poker offers for a long time

Grompoker -
Rate and paid goal: 25$ per mindep
Geo: Ukraine
Minimum Deposit: 100 UAH
Test limit: 25 fd
Features: full localization and payment systems, quick registration

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

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Dear friends, we are glad to present you a new offer for a profitable country - Azerbaijan

Megapari Casino AZ -
GEO: Azerbaijan
Rate: 25$
Paid goal: Minimum deposit
Minimum deposit: 1$
Test limit: 20 fd

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

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We present you a new offer on - Vesper Casino. The offer accepts traffic from some of the most popular geos - Russia/Poland/Portugal

Vesper -
Rate and paid goal: 80$ per mindep
Geo: Poland/Portugal
Minimum Deposit: 10 euros
Test limit: 30 fd
Features: full localization and payment systems, quick registration

Vesper -
Rate and paid goal: 40$ per mindep + KPI
Geo: Russia
Minimum Deposit: 200 rubles
Test limit: 30 fd
Features: full localization and payment systems, quick registration

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

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Wish you high ROI​
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We are glad to present you another fresh offer on for everyone's favorite Russia

Madmax -
Bid and paid goal: 40$ per mindep + KPI
Geo: Russia
Minimum Deposit: 200 rubles
Test limit: 30 fd
Features: full localization and payment systems, quick registration

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

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Dear friends, we are glad to present you a new offer Jeet24 for one of everyone's favorite GEO

Jeet24 -
Bid and paid goal: 20$ per mindep
Geo: India
Minimum Deposit: 500 rupees
Test limit: 20 fd
Features: full localization and payment systems, quick registration, local interface

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

If you want to work with us, please text our manager -

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Dear friends, we are glad to tell you about our favorite offer for a new GEO

7bitcasino PL -
Geo: Poland
Bid: 90$
Paid goal: minimum deposit - 45 PLN and 1 euro wager within 30 days after registration

Well-known brand for many webmasters
Clean database
Quick and easy registration (3 fields)
Large selection of games
Beautiful, discreet product design

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

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Friends, we have great news! There is a decent offer for a promising GEO - Brazil!

Brazino777 -
can disperse any frosts with his HOT conditions:
Bet and paid goal: 55$ per minimum deposit
Geo: Brazil
Minimum deposit: 10 BRL / 5USD / 5EUR
Test limit: 20 fd

Features: quick registration, full localization and availability of local payment systems, pleasant design.

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

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A guide to the world of Apps

Hi there! In our cases and manuals, we have already repeatedly talked about applications, and today Maxim (@GamblingProMax) has prepared for you an exhaustive guide to apps, in which he collected all the information about what apps are, how to work with them and why...

Let's start with what should always be with you:

1. - all cases and manuals of our team :)

2. @Gemblingpro is a Telegram channel that publishes only the most useful news, cases, manuals, videos and all the most useful info without spam; subscribe to miss not anything :)

We try to respond with content to the questions that we are asked, and therefore we have both thematic and related articles. You can find everything you want, not just articles about gambling :)

The preface is behind, let's talk about what an app is.

The app is a substance uploaded to Google Play or iTunes :)

Here is an example of a gambling app in the store:


There are 2 types of app (mainly):

1) Webview — is an application that is essentially a browser and opens any link, in our case, a stream (product / offer) link.
In other words, the user downloads the application, a browser opens inside it with a link (for example, a stream link), and the user just uses the mobile version of the casino through our application. (The browser is not in the usual sense, the url is not visible, you cannot go anywhere). The user downloads the app, clicks start and sees this:


Vulkan opened because I put the Vulkan link in the app :)

Webviews live on average 14 days. ps In 99% of cases, they use webview :)

2) Native (native) — is an app that is a product in itself; the product in it cannot be changed, the product often doesn’t exist out of the application.

One of the advantages is that, since the product is already implemented in the app, there is no need to register, the user is simply assigned via the device ID. That gives us a big conversion, there is no click2reg, there is only click2dep: minus step = more profit.

It looks like this:



+ such apps live very long, about a year. But such apps are sooo rare.

How do you get started with the application? Applications can only lead traffic from FB, due to technical limitations, but why? What will happen if we take an app and try to generate traffic from push notifications, clickunder, and other sources?

You can direct to a link from anywhere, but we cloak through a deeplink and through it we understand from which of the weber the traffic is coming, and if you lead to a link, then you will fill the “common pot”.

*There are options for sending traffic to a link, but they are not suitable for everyone; if you have experience and volume, then this is quite practicable :)

So, to start leading to the application, it must appear on your FB, and for this you need to share the application to your FB advertising account. How to do it?
  1. First of all, you must send a stream link, which we must put in the app; this link will be triggered every time the user launches the application.​

2. You need to inform the ID of the ad account


FB will open a link to the application; after that it will appear here:


In the dropdown menu, just click on the field and select the app.

That's it, just 2 points and the application is ready to generate traffic. Important! After the add appears in the FB account, you need to make sure that the traffic is coming from you:

How do we understand that conversions are coming from you? There are 2 main options to track the source of conversion: deeplinks or a specific campaign name.

In the first case, you will receive a deeplink, by which we can understand that the traffic is coming from you. Statistics will go to the affiliate program :)

In the second case, you name the advertising campaign in a certain way. In this case, statistics will not get into the affiliate program, this is impossible, but you can always request this statistics from your personal manager. This method is used for native applications, here it is rather just for deepening knowledge :)

You get both the deeplink and the title after the app is shared with you.

Frequently asked Questions:
  1. Do I need to cloak apps? — No, FB does not care what the application looks like, the application is moderated by Google Play. We cloak under Google Play ourselves.​

2. Can I share multiple accounts? — Yes, you can link exactly as many accounts to the same application as you need.

3. Does the deeplink or ad campaign name change depending on the account? — No, the deeplink / name is assigned to you as to the web, it is yours.

4. Can you lead to a link? (In case you plan to use a pre-land) — No, applications on FB are always uploaded, there are other options, but the meaning of activity disappears :)

5. Will the video pass? — Almost all videos go through; if they are banned, then for the description. (do not use nudity, money and foul language)

Good luck and profitable advertising campaigns in FB!

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Manual: How to make a profit for an install. Part 2

Before the changes in FB, we wrote the first part of the manual on how to generate income from traffic generation for installing applications. Now the price of the installation has changed, therefore, the approach of work needs to be changed. This will be the second part of the manual.

To get the most out of your reading, you need to read and understand the first part of the manual.

Payback of traffic. Traffic generation strategy.

The first paragraph is devoted to the ROI of the advertiser's traffic. If the advertiser is good, then we will be good.

We generate traffic with pay per install, but the installs do not bring the advertiser, he is more interested in how much money was brought to the casino. This is the Revenue parameter — one of the main indicators that we focus on. When we generate traffic to an install, we do our best to increase Revenue — the higher the value, the greater the chance that we’ll be paid for the install. Our payout (KPI) is based on Retention Rate (RR), why are we thinking more about Revenue? Here's an example:

There are guys that generate for installs and RR they have 10%. By all logic, they should have received half of the payment, but they receive it in full (not cut off), why? Because they have good Revenue, and the advertiser kind of turns a blind eye to RR. In fact, the advertiser is less interested in how many people logged in on the second day (RRday2) if the users fund their accounts well on the first day.

How to understand that an advertiser will not pay attention to RR when paying? There is an ARPU indicator, which is a derivative of the Revenue indicator. ARPU is income per install (Revenue / amount of installs) — it's easy to see and accurately reflects the quality of work. If ARPU is $3+ at the time of verification, then with a probability of 99% your RR willn’t be watched, and the rate willn’t suffer. At the time of reconciliation — this is Monday, they compare the week before last, it is she who should have ARPU $3+ by the time of reconciliation. This is more than achievable:


The main thing is to generate high-quality traffic, albeit at the start your pays be zero, but if you keep the quality level, then in a couple of days your rate will be raised. (There are guys whose rate are $6).


You need to optimize and duplicate adsets. Do not confuse an expensive and high-quality installation. Launching 1 adset with an installation price of $10 does not guarantee high quality :) Generating traffic in FB is always a struggle for the price of an install / click. An example of optimization is in the first part of the manual.

Targeting tips

Select a solvent audience, men 24+ without specifying interests (in fact, you can specify interests, but this can have an unpleasant effect on the price). It is highly desirable to create creatives without motive and emphasis on earning money; you can request examples of creatives from your personal manager.


We have described one of the ways to generate traffic for a high-quality install with a price of $2.5-3.5 and get $4. Only $1 profit from 1k installs per day sounds very nice :) And your KPI, if the quality is maintained, will remain constant.

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We would like to present you a new offer on - Luckydays. While Russia has problems with payment systems, we offer you to test Europe with excellent payment for mindep.

Bid and paid goal: 150$ per mindep
Geo: Germany Netherlands Austria Ireland
Minimum Deposit: 20 euros
Test limit: 20 fd

Features: full localization and payment systems, nice welcome bonuses for players, rate increase after successful traffic generation

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

If you want to work with us, please text our manager -

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Good afternoon
We want to share with you an offer for a new and very promising GEO - Wildtornado Slovenia!

Wildtornado -
Bid and paid goal: 75$ per mindep
Geo: Slovenia
Minimum Deposit: 10 euros
Test limit: 20 fd

Quick registration form!
Support different currencies and payment systems!
Numerous bonuses!
Huge selection of games of all popular genres!

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot.

If you want to work with us, please text our manager -

Do you want more news? Subscribe to our telegram channel -

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Wish you high ROI!​

Arbitrage Team: Together We Are Power!

It's no secret that our CPA network has its own team. These are professional affiliate marketers who, like you, work with offers, test different approaches and geo, farm accounts and upload apps to the store.

Our team has existed for several years and its work is maximally coordinated. If we imagine for a second that there is no team, and each of us works alone, could we achieve the result that we have now?

Definitely not. That is why we decided to devote this article to the advantages of teamwork and talk about them in detail. Perhaps this article will change your attitude to work, and possibly improve your life))


To begin with, we all understand that any arbitrage is not a story about easy money in 5 minutes. We always say this to everyone who wants to start. “Explain to me in 30 minutes what to do here” — this isn’t about traffic arbitrage. That's for sure! If you have just started, or have been working for a long time, or if you are a real TOP, then you perfectly understand that arbitrage is sleepless nights, in the literal sense of the word. Here you and smm, and content creation, and the basics of programming, and the ability to use different services, functions and applications that we use every day. Creatives are a separate segment of work.

Of course, it's very cool if you can do everything without delegating your work to anyone. But now imagine the situation that you are the best at setting up Advertising Campaigns, farming accounts, anything else, but with creatives you are not very good. The first plus of teamwork becomes clear.

1. Teamwork — is a great opportunity to distribute your strength. If you are in the company of people, each of whom is a professional in their field, or you have assembled such a team, this is the height of luck! Someone will quickly create advertising offices, someone will maintain pages on Insta, negotiate advertising, deal with everything related to social networks, someone else will edit videos, edit photos and make the best visual content.

2. So we got to the second point. Sharing forces — is the best way to save time. Working together with several professionals, you don't waste time switching between tasks. In fact, you put some task that you are doing on the stream. Thus, your speed increases, and therefore you can swing the volume of your work exponentially.

3. The quality of the tasks is improved. Think about it: everyone does what they do best. No explanation is required here.

4. Ability to discuss and share thoughts. When working with someone, there is always an opportunity to generate fresh ideas. Today you come up with something new, tomorrow your inspiration has fallen asleep, but the work will not rise, because there are several like-minded people next to you, who will also come up with cool ideas. It's also great to have brainstorming sessions — it's an opportunity not just to come up with an approach, but to make it the best.

5. Shared goals and desires. Of course, we are talking about examples of successful teams. Nothing motivates you to work more than a clearly set goal that you need to go to no matter what. If you have the same motivated people next to you, then you will definitely achieve your goal and faster than working alone.


Of course, there are disadvantages to teamwork. The main one — it’s difficult to assemble the perfect team. The people with whom you will work should have common ambitions, goals, desires and performance. You have to work hard to find the right people.

Trust is a very important aspect of working together. Trust is not just the assurance that your coworker will not steal your work, but trust in life. If you doubt the adequacy of your coworker, then nothing good will come of it. Over time, suspicions will turn into reproaches, which will affect the quality of work, etc.

At the head of the team there should always be a leader, a person who will be the “neck for the head”, who will turn everyone else in the right direction. It cannot be otherwise. If there is no leader, and the participants decide to be on an equal footing, then at some point one will decide to rest and the rest will follow him. A leader is not someone who goes over their heads and yells at colleagues. First of all, a leader can find the right words to motivate and inspire the team, as well as customize work processes, making productivity a key parameter. At some point, when it becomes very clear that like-minded people are working shoulder to shoulder, control over each of them will weaken, and the atmosphere in the team will become pleasant.

Teamwork must be strictly standardized. The fact that you don't have a boss, and the fact that you've come together on a volunteer basis does not absolve the team from the fact that your work day should begin and end at a specific agreed time. Otherwise, the team will not earn anything and the participants will simply let each other down.

Well, one more question worth mentioning is financial risks. You yourself stipulate who and how much invests in the project, but in advance you need to stipulate a possible negative outcome of events.

If you take all possible problems and correctly bypass them, then the result will not be long in coming. You can't be afraid to work together, you have to try. Don't be afraid to leave the team if you understand that this is not yours. Know that the team is a second family, with their joys and sorrows, jokes and problems. A team is people who willn’t leave you to fend for themselves if you have problems with your advertising office; you’ll be supported and helped. In general, the team is your friends, with whom you look in the same direction and go towards a common goal.

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Hello friends! We are - a team of experienced publishers and specialists, the best in CPA market in Russia and the CIS countries. We are the top 1 Gambling and Betting affiliate network according to CPALife Awards 2019.

Why is the best?
1.Our platform is unique and made specifically for working with Gambling offers.
Thanks to this, you will see not only standard traffic indicators (CR, EPC, ratio, clicks) in our statistics, but you will receive extended data on your conversions which will allow you to conduct deep analytics on traffic and will reflect such important indicators when working with Gambling as:
- Deposit amount
- Number of repeated deposits
- The amount of re-deposits
- Activity of your players

2.We have more than 800 offers for CPA and RevShare in open access, 50+ offers in private and a huge list of absolute exclusives! These are the best offers for different GEO worldwide and for all possible traffic sources.

3.Absolutely free we give out IOS/Android apps for buying traffic to any of our partners!
- Applications with optimization for registration/first deposit
- All apps are themed with good reviews
- Inside the app you can find any offer you need for any GEO
- If you don't know how to work with apps, just text uswe will give all the necessary instructions in English.

4.Only we have KNOWLEDGE BASE from
What is knowledge base - it is more than 80 cases and manuals that we write so you can easily go to arbitrage. We test all our cases - you no longer need to waste the budget for testing the approach, you will definitely find most of the Top approaches here. We give our partners ready-made approaches for working with different traffic sources and with different GEO.
P.S. you can find our Knowledge base on the page

5.We can offer you an absolutely exclusive offer on absolutely exclusive terms, the advertiser of which is ourselves!For access text us.

6.Another reason to say that we are the best is our support - the best managers in the entire Russian market and abroad. They are ready to accompany you at all stages of buying traffic, starting with the selection of the offer, ending with the regulation of any issues on payments.

7.Our payouts are as stable as a good Swiss watch. If you strictly comply with the terms of buying traffic for a specific offer, once a week you will be able to receive a payment using WebMoney/EPayments/Wire/Bitcoin, this is your choice.

8.Team is a permanent participant of international thematic conferences: CPALife, Kinza, Sempro, MAC, AWE, ICE, LAC - all this is in our arsenal. More than 10+ reports of our speakers and 15 stands prove that we are always happy to meet in person with each of our partners and will also be glad to see you!

9.We are trusted by more than 20,000 webmasters in Russia and CIS countries - and that means more than words!

We welcome each of our partners - we are waiting for you in our network! And we guarantee that our cooperation will be unforgettably profitable!
I have few good domains for gambling promotion (mostly crypto related) any white-label programme that you recomend?

Should I go or not? Why conferences are useful and why do we attend them

Every September, the season for the autumn conferences begins. Someone is waiting for them, and someone avoids, some love, and others - not very much. And we want to tell you why we go to conferences.


We will consider several options for participation in the conference — there is a definite difference in what capacity you participate — as a participant or as a speaker.
Option one - you are just a visitor

1. A thematic conference is a concentration of people who are doing the same thing as you. Some are already successful, some are not yet, but one way or another, your path in arbitration is similar. You will definitely have something to share with each other. Of course, no one is going to share with you lucrative work ideas (while you are not drunk :)), but you can discuss trends and possible direction of development - this is already a lot.

2. You’ll see all the major market players. Within the framework of the conference, on one large platform, you will see all those CPA networks that you hear a lot about, but may not have seen them yet. You can come up, get to know the representatives, find out in what area and under what conditions they work. Of course, you can do all this remotely. For example, our affiliates respond daily to at least 40-50 welcome messages from those webmasters who have not worked with us before, and may not work, but they want to know about us. And that's why Maxim and Stas talk about: affiliate program, offers, how to register and so on. Just think about how long it takes you to decide who to work with. And at a conference in 1 day you collect as much information as in another case you would have collected in a week, and maybe more. Well, then, you must admit, if you are already working, then it is always nice to meet personally the one with whom you communicate so much time in Telegram))

3. If suddenly we are read by representatives of other CPA networks, then this point is for you) Give your employees the opportunity to go to the conference, even if they will not work at the stand. What for? You will meet all the major market players. Someone will call them competitors, we call them colleagues. So, you need to know your colleagues personally. Come and meet. You will be able to assess the potential of other market participants, think about what they are capable of. By assessing the strengths and weaknesses of other companies, you can better navigate your own strengths and weaknesses, you can find your way faster and be more productive.

4. The next item is again for everyone. Use conferences as an entry point into a professional environment. Have you just started working in an affiliate program, or are you a beginner? It doesn't matter, just come to the conference and you will immediately understand the trends in the market and how best to get started. Of course, you should already have theoretical knowledge. Just so that you understand who is talking about what. You can get all the useful information when communicating with different participants in the event. Of course, reports are a useful and integral part of the event. But it is important to understand that a case is not an instruction manual, it is just the practice of a specific person. At the conference, as a rule, they talk about something fresh, but before starting work, anyway - analyze the speaker's approach and adjust the proposed practice to your own realities.

5. All the main party-goers of "our world" gather at conferences. It is difficult to fit into your circle and certainly not the first time. They do not arrive at 10 am and do not queue at the entrance. They come in imposingly, slowly, maybe even after dinner, closer to the after party. But you can still get to know them. Understand who is who and why this person is popular. It is even possible to get hold of his contact if you understand why you need it and how you can use it.

6. Afterparty and preparty are also important components of conferences. What is the advantage of this format? This is not a format))). That is, everyone hangs out together, socializes, drinks, discusses work and more. If you are faced with a question — go to a party or not — definitely go. Sometimes you can learn even more at it than at the conference itself.

7. And one more important point. Most likely, after the conference you will be tired, you will sleep off, digest all the information received. But keep in mind, events of this format are an incredible charge of emotions, inspiration, this is a huge amount of memories until the next conference season.

If you want but are afraid to become a speaker. Who can be a speaker at all? any person who has something to tell about their work. If you have a story to tell but are shy, afraid, unsure of yourself, or have some other reason to avoid speaking at a conference, then here are some reasons why you shouldn't.


1. Being a speaker is a great opportunity to advertise your brand. If you lead a team, some useful service for work, or a cpa network, your presentation can attract a large audience.

2. You build trust in the market. They start to treat you more loyal. Everything that is unknown is scary. And now you have become famous. You are now taken into account both by fellow competitors and potential partners-clients.

3. There are several iconic conferences at which it is important and necessary to be a speaker. This will indicate that you have reached a certain level of trust, most likely, it is not you who volunteers to give a report, but you are invited. So if you are invited - do not refuse.

4. Keep in mind that any preparation for a performance is, first of all, a systematization of your own experience. You prepare, you remember all your achievements, approaches, successful and not so successful. You make a presentation and outline what you will say. It is very important. Most likely, you do not conduct such analysis on a regular basis, but in preparation for the report, you will be able to analyze the results of your work and understand how best to present them.

5. Both for speakers and for ordinary participants, conference — this is an opportunity to always be aware of the latest information at a professional level. You listen, you speak. You can share your opinion on the development of the industry. You can share ideas and test hypotheses for strength. In some situations, the report can become a bomb that will simply blow the minds of the audience, turning the market upside down.

6. And of course, the practice of public speaking is something that many are very afraid of and at the same time expect. If you work in our industry, you already understand how important it is to be able to use your speech. Speaking in front of a large audience provides an opportunity to develop negotiation skills. And this has a positive effect on the successful construction of your own business.

Today, almost every professional field has its own thematic conferences, and ours is no exception. It is these events that very cool and quickly push us and all our work forward, develop the market in which we all work. There are a lot of advantages of participation in any format, you just need to concentrate and know why you are going.

If you want to work with us, please text our manager -

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Facebook Chatbot: Cheap Tool to Increase Conversions

Facebook Chatbot is the new super strategy for driving quality leads.

This tutorial will show you how to take advantage of your existing mailing list using a messenger bot.

step 1

First of all, think about what can bring you leads. For example, you could give some bonus / discount to all Facebook users who comment on your giveaway post, or give them access to sites or pages.

step 2


Register here with your Facebook account. Create a new bot, go to the CONFIGURE tab. Here you can connect the bot to the Facebook group page you need.

(you must have admin rights for this group)

Step 3


Once you connect the chatbot to your page, go to the GROW tab. Click ADD RULE in the “Acquire users from comments” module. Leave all the options at the default for now, because you will need to get the url of your specific post after it is posted on your page.

(Important: you can select “Comments matching a rule” so that the bot will only respond if the user leaves a comment with specific keywords.

However, we recommend that you select “All comments” in order not to lose a single lead if the person wrote a comment with grammatical errors.)

In the “REPLY WITH” box, enter the first message to which the bot replies to the user's comment.

Step 4

It is very important to ask users to re-type the keyword in the REPLY WITH window (a new one, or the same), because Facebook asks to confirm their request.

We have to tell our bot how to respond to users who entered a keyword.


Go to the SET UP tab, click on ADD AI RULE. In the left field, enter your keyword again, and in the right field, change the tab from TEXT to BLOCK and create a new block.

Now you've created a conversion funnel for your users.

Step 5

Go back to the AUTOMATE tab, find the new block you just created. In this case, you've created a rudimentary conversion funnel. We ask the user for his e-mail address, as soon as the user confirms it, we send him a promotional code for a bonus / discount, in our case, to access a page.

Step 6 (Optional)


Set up recurring trigger messages for users. For example, if a user did not go through the funnel to the end and did not receive his coupon, which means he did not confirm his mail, then after a while he will receive a reminder message.

Step 7

Testing! Go to Facebook and go through all the steps that your user should do from start to finish.


(Important! Make sure you are logged in from your personal page, not from the group page)


That's all it takes for a chatbot to generate leads for you. Using Facebook bots is a fairly new and ingenious approach that will help you stay on top of Facebook's aggressive and hyper-competitive marketing environment.

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Mini-manual: How to use spyservices correctly


We have previously described “How to download a creative directly from Instagram”. The manual works if an interesting creative has been targeted for you, or you just search for them this way.

Today we are going to tell you about the second way to find creatives - using spy services! There are many different options, they differ mainly in geo, sites and placements.

But they are all almost identical :) If you have mastered one, then you have mastered everything :) The main thing is to understand the principle of work) In this article we will focus your attention on one of the most popular spy services - for searching for ideas in the Russian Federation and CIS...

Now let's imagine a situation: I want to launch an app, but I'm lazy, and I don't want to make my own creative :)

What to do? Borrow someone else's idea? - Borrow :))

1) We go to because 90% of advertising is spinning in the feed.

2) Choose "Target Instagram"


That is, we will look for ads in the Instagram feed.

And we see the interface that we will observe most of the time :)

Basically, all creative search work is built around these three fields and different combinations of their use depending on the circumstances.


What are these fields?

This is what a typical Instagram feed post looks like.



1. Profile name.
2. Link.
3. Ad text.


1. "By profile name:" is a search by name or part of the profile name.

2. "In a link:" is a search by a link where an advertisement is leading or a link fragment.

3. "In text:" is a search in the text of an advertisement or a fragment of text.

It's always easier for me to understand with an example. Suppose you say:

I took an application from, they suggested to me with an offer and a geo, and even showed me an example of a creative that really converts :) By the way, I heard that they are still distributing applications, offer, geo and creative example. In fact, I have everything ready to start, it remains to get creative and go.

I am opening I need to find a creative, how to do it?

Let's describe one of the possible algorithms for searching for creatives:

Step 1. Let's say I have an android app, so to make the search a little easier I will immediately expose filters that are intuitive.


Important: I am looking for creatives in Russian, but I do not leave only it, since part of a word can be written in Russian, and another part of it in another language.

And, in order not to accidentally find creatives that my grandfather used, I will set a period, let's say the last 2 weeks.


Step 2. You can write any phrase that could potentially be in the text of the application promotion, I will write "earn"

We see only 3 creos, but nothing - it's important for us to get the link.

Here it!

All creatives have approximately the same links, only the last values differ, these are different applications :)
Step 3. In the "In link:" field, insert "market: //"


We see that the ad worked from August 22 to September 4 — 6357 results, all these are Google play applications :)

Then I look at a certain number of pages, out of 20 creatives 2-4 for gambling :) You can spend a certain amount of time and understand almost all the approaches that are used in gambling :) Our main goal is to see which creatives (with which text and what links).

Knowledge of the texts will not only show you how to properly format the converting text, but also give more scope for searching in the "In text" field, if you have imagination, like mine, and it is only enough to "earn" then knowledge of the texts will be useful))

Why do we need links? Another example: I saw this creative.

I liked this creative. I already said that the last values are different attachments) We take the name of the application and insert it into the "In link" field


We receive 44 advertisements for this application, which have been used recently :) In addition to the fact that I can steal 44 thematic advertisements, I can immediately understand which creatives come in: no one will launch the same creative 18 times if it doesn't work :) If I see that the creative was launched once, then it doesn't work :)

So, using various combinations of a combination of only 3 fields, Publer will open the way for you to the world of creatives :) Depending on what we are looking for, we can change the sequence and search algorithm.

Good luck with your work and finding the perfect creative)))

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Frightening foreign countries. Fears that prevent starting work with other GEOs

Hi, Tanechka is online!)) I finally found time for new good content)) I think that we all look at foreign offers.

Everyone does this for their own reasons:
  • Are you tired of working with old brands and want new offers;​
  • You feel how the conversion of deposits replenishment has decreased, and the price of the install in the Russian Federation and the CIS has increased;​
  • You are attracted by high payouts for conversions on foreign offers ($ 150-200 per deposit);​
  • You are attracted by the opportunity to work with sources that are prohibited on the usual offers (for example, brand context);​
  • You are attracted by the opportunity to buy traffic from cheap GEOs;​

You are attracted by these ideas, but it makes you think ... But do not rush to start working with foreign offers. We will talk about this in this article.

I hope you are comfortable and ready to absorb important information, because in this article I want to deal with your fears about buying traffic from other countries once and for all.

So, now let's discuss the main fears that arise at the start of working with foreign offers and immediately analyze several ways to deal with them.

1. Ignorance of the sources for the purchase of foreign traffic — almost nothing changes here, Facebook and Instagram, as well as Google, remain in the top in terms of volumes. You can also turn your attention to Telegram, which is full of specialized channels, in some cases you can use push networks, Adsterra and a few more came to my mind, but I do not recommend them, YouTube, mobile applications stores (AppStore, GooglePlay). These are not all the sources where you can buy high-quality foreign traffic, but I mentioned them, because they are all familiar and familiar to you. The only thing that will change for you in one or another source, when you start working with foreign offers, is the targeting settings in the Advertising Cabinet for GEO, which is different from the countries of the Russian Federation and the CIS...

P.S. The rules of work and the policy of sources will not change from the change of GEO, it will be necessary, just like in Russia, to undergo moderation, to hide the sources somewhere (except for those countries in which the promoted products are licensed).

P.P.S. You don't have to grab all of these sources at once. I recommend starting working with Facebook in conjunction with mobile applications, since it is as easy as possible to start even on an unknown GEO. In fact, you won't need to go through FB moderation, and you won't have to bother too much with the uniqueness of creatives. If you use applications from, then we will also solve issues for you with hiding the source of distribution of the application, adding an application to the store, setting up push notifications and auto login for traffic.

2. Not knowing the language of the country is not the reason at all. As I wrote above, at the start of work, you shouldn't bother too much and test complex hypotheses and traffic sources that require a lot of preparatory work. For example, translations of voluminous, filled with deep "meaning", selling texts for native pre-landing pages, which we use in teaser networks.

Above, I have already recommended that you start working with mobile applications and a traffic source from Facebook. My recommendation is justified not only by the fact that it is technically quite simple to set up this technology, but also by the fact that creatives need to be as simple as possible in order to work this way.

More often than not, when we drive traffic from FB to gambling, we use video posts with short calls to action. The most common and effective ones:
  • Installed, entered, won!​
  • Hurry up to hit the jackpot!​
  • Come in and win!​
  • The very application that gives!​
  • Real winnings here​
  • Big wins one after another!​
  • I have already won 350 000 rub using this method​
  • Average winnings per evening: 15000 rub?​

Look carefully: there is no call to action longer than 7 words. The volume of a person's attention is 5 +- 2 units, in the case of more complex and long formulations, remember that the beginning of the sentence and the end are best remembered, the middle always falls out of attention.

All calls are as simple as possible and consist of simple words. Even a child can handle the translation of such phrases with a dictionary. I'm already silent about the omnipotent Google translator.

P.S. A small life hack from Tanya. Even if you do not know the language at all and translate, for example, into French, formulate phrases in your native language as short as possible and use simple words. When I translate using a google translator, I first write the phrase in Russian, then copy the translation, and translate it in the opposite direction (from foreign to Russian). If there are critical errors in the text, in most cases, with the help of such a simple manipulation, you will quickly find them. It will also be easy to spot the wrong word. We take this word in Russian, translate it separately into a foreign language, insert it in place of the error, translate it once more from foreign into Russian, so that we are sure and ready. Most likely everything will be fine. Almost the top translation is ready!)

P.P.S. After translating a couple of dozen simple tests with repeating words, you can combine them without a translator and use Google only when you need new words. At the same time, learn some languages, isn't that great?)))

3. Uncertainty that your ideas will work — this fear grows on stereotypes (there everything is different), prejudices (people in Europe treat everything differently) and ignorance of the country's mentality. Basically, you are simply afraid of a lack of understanding of the approach to the target audience.

You can easily find out more about the life and people of a particular country on the Internet using travel blogs and our articles from the series “Around the World with”, in which we talk about the life of people from different countries and their attitude to gambling.

All these articles (and other useful materials) you can find in our blog —

But I can assure you that representatives of the target audience of gambling and betting offers in other countries are the same everywhere, they are impulsive, gambling and greedy for emotions. All the same triggers work for them as for other players:
  • win, win here​
  • victory​
  • hit the jackpot​
  • jackpot​
  • new games with real money​
  • big money, real money​
  • reliable club, trusted club, proven club​
  • giving machine​
  • generous club, generous rendition, generous vending machines​
  • make dreams come true​
  • emotions from victory, adrenaline in the blood​
  • friends will envy​
  • luck, try your luck, catch your luck by the tail​
  • bonuses, free spins, free spins, prizes​
  • I won, so you can too (if the creative is in the first person)​

These are just a few of those words and phrases that attract the right target audience for gambling and push those people to convert.

By the way, there is one more fundamental difference between the foreign target audience of gambling from the Russian Federation and the CIS. If our most active audience is men from 21 to 25 years old, then in Europe this age level of activity is shifted and starts from 30+ years. Women in the West respond to creatives as well as men.

By the way, this also includes the fear of affiliates about the minimum deposits of 10-30 euros / dollars, which are so common for foreign offers. This fear, again, is caused by a simple misunderstanding that the standard of living in many countries is much higher than in Russia, and for those people spending 20 euros on a minimum deposit is like going to a cafe and drinking coffee and a donut there.

4. Ignorance of the market of foreign offers and no understanding in which countries which offers are work good — here you need tests (quite expensive) or advice from experienced friends, such as the team :) We have already tested several dozen foreign offers and found profitable ideas, which we are ready to share with our partners!

P.S. There is another effective method by which you can determine whether traffic to a specific brand in a specific country will convert well. It should be remembered that different brands are popular in different countries, and the conversion is better where the brand awareness is higher. To determine the popularity of a brand, you can search local casino ratings and look for searches that brand at Google Trends.

P.P.S. Countries in which almost any gambling and betting converts well (in descending):
  1. Austria​
  2. Australia​
  3. Switzerland​
  4. Poland​
  5. Germany​
  6. France​
  7. Norway​
  8. Sweden​
  9. Canada​
  10. Denmark​
  11. Bulgaria​
  12. Latvia​
  13. Philippines​
  14. Finland​

5. It is not known what to expect from foreign traffic — you work with Russia and the CIS and you know everything about them. For foreign traffic, you do not know the average conversion rates from clicks in registrations, from registrations to deposits, it is difficult for you to predict the ROI of an advertising cabinet, you do not have data that you could rely on during tests ... Uncertainty scares, we reluctantly embark on such adventures, when we feel the risk of losing our money. But what if I say that tests for foreign offers are no different from tests for conventional GEOs? In order not to screw up, you need to follow simple rules when testing offers:
  • Do not be afraid to lose your budget - at least you buy statistics, as a maximum - you find an idea that will bring you money in the future;​
  • Do not grab a large number of offers - you will not be able to adequately test all of them, or it will be very expensive;​
  • Do not use many creatives at once - 2-3 approaches and 2-3 creatives for each - this is enough for the first test;​
  • Do not split all the landing pages and pre-landing pages available for the offer into a split - choose the best 1-2 options and try. Traffic from pre-landers with a wheel is still being perfectly converted abroad. For example: ;​
  • There is no need to test more than two sources at the same time - it is better to first find a working idea in one source, and then adapt it to other sources;​
  • Do not use blacklists and retargeting from other topics - you can use related ones, but also be careful, especially with blacklists, because old sites can work unpredictably with new offers, and often there are several more targeted ones among them;​
  • Never launch an Advertising Cabinet without analytics - I think everything is clear on this point;​

What if I say that for most of our offers, the team already has conversion statistics that we can share with our partners?

It turns out that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of! Moreover, we urgently need to start working with foreign traffic and test new offers as long as there is no competition there.


If you want to work with us, please text our manager -

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Friends, we want to share with you current offers with schemes:

Vulkan stars -
Payout: 25$

Unique Casino -
Payout: 45$
GEO: France, Spain, Portugal, Italy

MaChance Casino -
Payout: 45$
GEO: France, Spain

Slottica -
Payout: 50$
GEO: Spain

Royal Spinz -
Payout: 50$
GEO: Spain, France, Italy, Germany

Superlines -
Payout: 65$
GEO: France, Italy

Don't let your profit pass

If you want to work with us, please text our manager -

Do you want more news? Subscribe to our telegram channel -

Or follow us on Facebook -


Friends, we want to share with you new offers with payment for registration SOI!
Attention, there is a test limit. Have time to text your personal manager and start this year with a profit!

Powerplay -
Jackie Jackpot -
Bid: 6$
Geo: Canada

Plaza Royal -
Eskimo casino -
Bid: 6$
Geo: Netherlands

Bid increase after successful traffic generation!

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via the @GamblingProTGB_bot

Wish you high ROI!

If you want to work with us, please text our manager -

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Or follow us on Facebook -
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Fast farming algorithm for Facebook accounts

About generating traffic for gambling through mobile applications.

Hi, friends! Gambling is becoming increasingly popular in traffic arbitrage, just like Facebook is as a traffic source. As of today, almost 50% of total gambling conversions come from Facebook.

The number of affiliates wishing to work with this source is growing, and the number of banned accounts in FB too XD

We are often asked to share our account farming method. We are interested in your success and therefore decided to make this manual so that you figure it out and start generating traffic for gambling while it is still in trend :)


There are two main directions in creating FB accounts:

Farming accounts from PC
Farming accounts from mobile

In this post I will talk about the second method - creating accounts from mobiles / tablets, as I find this method the easiest and most understandable for beginners. In this method, you do not need to prepare anything, have deep knowledge and buy a proxy. All you need to create accounts is a mobile phone and SIM cards with Internet access.

We buy used mobile phones because they are cheaper. If you take iPhones, it is better to look for 5-5s, so at the same cost as Android smartphones, iPhones work better. If your tablet supports SMS messages with a SIM card, it can also be used to create accounts.

It is better not to buy SIM cards "from hands", in my practice, among such cards 70% have already been used in FB. It is better to find SIM cards without former owners and with Internet access, they are more expensive, but they will work.

You need​

This is already known, but still, you’ll need:

1 Mobile phones
2. SIM cards

Our team only works with iPhones 5-5s. There are 2 reasons for this: FB's increased trust in apple devices + the speed of these devices.

Getting started: setting up the device​

1. You need to restore your device to factory settings:

Open the Settings app.
Select General.
Scroll to the bottom and select Reset.
Select Erase All Content and Settings.

Open Settings, and select System.
Select Reset options.
Select Erase all data (factory reset).
Select Reset Phone or Reset Tablet at the bottom.
You'll be asked to confirm, select Erase Everything.
Your device should reboot and may show a progress screen indicating that it is erasing the data.

After that, turn on the phone and set it up as new. Next, we go through all the settings: country, language, account. At this stage, you will need to insert a SIM card so that the mobile phone and connected to the Internet.

2. You need to create a new account for this device:

Create an Apple ID on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:

Tap Forgot password or don't have an Apple ID.
Tap Create a Free Apple ID.
Select your birthday and enter your name. Tap Next.
Tap Use your current email address, or tap Get a free iCloud email address.

Grab your Android device, open the Settings, and select the “Accounts” option. The next step is to tap “Add Accounts” at the bottom of your screen and then choose “Google”. A page will appear where you can sign into your account or create a new one. Select “More options” and then tap “Create account”.

3. Important: necessary to disable the geolocation service on the phone. Usually, this can be done during the initial setup, or later from the menu of your phone, in the Geolocation section.

If this is your personal phone, you can not turn off geolocation completely, but only for certain applications, for example Instagram and Facebook ˆ_ˆ

4. After going through the initial setup:

We go into the main settings of our device and turn off the automatic setting of the date and time in our region;

On the iPhone, in the settings in the "Privacy" section, we find the "Advertising" section and restrict the tracking of ads.


Now everything is ready to proceed to creating an account on FB!
You have a clean device (phone) with a clean connection (SIM card).

4. It is necessary to put the FB application on it.

The application weighs more than 150 MB and because of this, the iPhone will have a restriction on downloading such large objects without Wi-Fi. To get around it, you will need to do a number of simple actions described in the screenshot below:


There are no such problems with android, so just download it.

5. While the application is downloading, log out of the AppStore or GooglePlay account (see point 2 above).

As soon as the application is downloaded, we register an account on FB.​

Account registration​

Nothing special - enter your phone number, which has not been previously used in the fb, fill in the account details, full name, gender, age (I recommend storing this data if you plan to unban your accounts later).

It's easier to create a girl's account, they have more photos and it's easier to meet a girl and add friends :)


When registering an account, FB will offer you to add friends from other social networks. networks, sync the contact book, find new friends and so on - this does not affect the result. Be careful, if you constantly add the same contacts and friends to different accounts, the FB will start to suspect something :) I often just press "skip" on all FB offers.

After you have entered the profile, fill in the information "about yourself". Partially or completely - it will not affect the result, but do not write the same thing in different accounts.

Add several photos to the profile (3-7), you can do this in different ways (upload to the album, change avatars, post on the wall with posts).

It is better to take a profile photo and a cover photo through the phone camera through which you create an account. Photos contain a set of metadata. Photos taken on the phone and then posted on the fb will have a positive effect on the level of trust in your account.

Immediately after the ren = registration of the FB account, they offer to answer questions about themselves. You can use this feature to add personalized content to your profile)

It is advisable to add friends from the same GEO. You can also use nearby countries.

How do I find them? Very simple. You can go over the thematic publics and leave comments there, or like the profiles of other users - to draw attention to yourself. Then users themselves will start adding to your friends and FB will show more people in recommendations. From the recommendation, I add 20-50 people a day, if I farm an account for 2-3 days, if it's a fast account, then I immediately add 100-150 friends.

Likes, reposts, comments - this is an amateur activity. I personally do not write. Sometimes I like what I really liked and leave funny comments to get likes, but this does not greatly affect the farming)

When there is an avatar on the account, some infa is filled, there are friends, pictures and someone even gave you a couple of likes - you can create a fan page (group for your product).

Choose a neutral name for the group, upload an avatar and a cover into it that no one has used before (for this, you can simply combine several photos in Photoshop).

All in all. You can go to the ads manager and create an advertising campaign on a new account. For any GEO.

If you launch on foreign geos, you may need to confirm your mobile phone or selfies, it's okay - go through and continue working.

A few more recommendations:

1. No need to create a Business Manager right away, start the first advertisement from your personal account;

2. When you start your account, bind the card to the Ads Manager at the time of creating an Advertising Cabinet;

3. Change the account farming scheme, do not act stereotyped, otherwise all accounts will be banned;

4. Accounts from iPhones are launched more often than from Androids and live longer;

5. To transfer accounts to a computer, you need to turn off the location and home / office wifi on the computer, distribute the Internet to it from the phone and go to the FB (perhaps there are other ways, I write as I do myself). It is advisable to do this in a separate browser in which you will (never) use vpn (fb does not like this). On the computer to which you will transfer, make a new account under the account, so you don't need to login any ID again, just open the fb in the browser and log in. Important: every time you start your account, connect your computer to the Internet via your phone.
That's all, everything is very simple)) I hope this information will be useful and will help you create a few new accounts in FB!


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What “Traffic source” is and where to find it?

26 sources and their description​

Sources of traffic to a site are the channels through which visitors go to a particular web resource. Traffic can be paid and free. "Free traffic" - means that the owner of the resource does not pay for visitors. There is a certain fee for the "paid" one. You can also distinguish "cold" and "hot" traffic. Hot sources are those sources from which already interested people get to the site. The user passes because he is interested in the topic, he is already familiar with it. Now, in order to make it easier for us to understand this issue, we will consider traffic sources in the context of these 2 groups.

Look at the table, which is compiled to facilitate perception; now we'll go through each line and tell you about everything in detail.
Advertising in public in social networks​
Contextual advertising in search​
Advertising on blogs​
Targeting advertising in social networks​
Teaser networks​
Advertising in public in social networks​
Coupon sites​
Your accounts in social networks​
An affiliate program from a different industry​
Advertising post of an influencer in social networks​
Email marketing​
Traffic from doorways​
External Content Marketing​
Crowd Marketing​
Popunder & Popup​
Commodity aggregators​
Traffic exchanges​
Channel on Youtube​
Purchase of mobile traffic​
Branding of other people's sites​
Traffic from pre-rolls and overlays in the video​
Contextual advertising (CMS)​
Targeted advertising on social networks​

Sources of Hot Traffic​

1. SEO. Search engine optimization is one of the most powerful channels for promoting and attracting visitors. Important: you need to properly configure the semantic core (the wider it is, the more traffic). Try to get to the highest line. If a person has entered a request, he is already interested in what you offer. Bad: Don't let the user end up on "slimming powder" when searching for "wholesale flowers".

2. Contextual advertising in search. Yandex Direct and Google Adwords will help you. It is possible to attract a lot of traffic, but due to the high competition, clicks can be expensive. However, these users will definitely be ready to familiarize themselves with your proposal. They are initially interested, that's why they entered this request.

3. Targeting advertising in social networks. Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, My Mir. It’s important to properly set up the target audience. Customers are colder, but if you segment the audience correctly, then the conversion will be. Sometimes people themselves do not fully understand what they need. And you have to make an offer that you can't refuse. It is important to target the audience as narrowly as possible, then this traffic will be “warm”.

4. Advertising in public in social networks. It's more difficult — we moved this traffic to both columns — why? On the one hand, you need to look for thematic groups where the audience will be interested in the offer, on the other — it’s not a fact that users really need what we offer. But! Such advertising definitely increases the company's awareness. Make an interesting post that explains why he needs your offer. Add helpful pictures, describe your strengths — it’ll work.

5. Your accounts in social networks. This is the next level :) Here it is important to first attract people to the group, and only then direct them to the site. The group itself does not have to be completely dedicated to the brand; you can write articles and posts on abstract topics. Initially, people may be skeptical, but then they will begin to come on their own.

6. Advertising post of an influencer in social networks. We ask the opinion leader to tell us about our offer. Important: Find the right influencer, with an active and responsive audience that trusts him. The higher the audience's trust, the higher the conversion will be — this is a rule. Those who follow the leader always try to use what they offer — this is a very reliable way.

7. Email marketing. Everything is simple: sending letters to the base of potential customers. Why might they be interested in our offer? Because this is a ready-made offer - no need to look for it - just thought is already here (excluding naked spam).

8. External Content Marketing. Articles in blogs and on thematic sites with a link to the resource. The “problem-solution” scheme works well. For example, if a user reads for 20 minutes about how to get rid of hypertension, then he will go to a website that sells a medicine for it. The article should be informative so that it does not look amateurish. Then only the user will understand that you are the one he needs.

9. Crowd Marketing. Participation in the discussion, mentioning the brand, and posting links on forums and communities are all native. The conversion can be significant. It is important that you are believed and not mistaken for a "stranger." Initially, users are not ready to visit your site, BUT nobody knows that it is yours. Pour into the environment. And then you can unobtrusively recommend where to go and what to do, and they will believe you!

10. Commodity aggregators. In general, a very, very useful thing for online stores. Payment for the transition or purchase. Users are "warm" and you just need to recommend your product.

11.Channel on Youtube. Also, like a public on a social network, it requires preliminary promotion. You can do reviews, interviews, take reviews, etc. This is a useful kind of traffic. Psychologically, a person likes to watch a review or review “live”, that is, to see both the product and the one who recommends it. With the use of a video channel, the site ceases to be impersonal.

12. Branding of other people's sites. It is not always a cheap pleasure and is more aimed at recognition. You need to agree with the thematic site to replace the background with a clickable form for your resource. Important: It is not a fact that there will be a high conversion, but the next time thinking about a service or product, a person may remember you.​

Sources of Cold Traffic​

1. The first option here — advertising in public in social networks — we have already discussed with you. Let's start with the second one.

2. Advertising on blogs. Advertising from top bloggers is also not always cheap, but sometimes it turns out to come to an agreement. Those who post continuous ads are no longer interesting to the public. Important: Look for a good blog with a good famous author! Unlike an influencer, you will find yourself not only in your target audience, but this very method makes it possible to find new users and customers. Here, as with an influencer, if the audience is responsive and sociable, then the blogger can have a great impact on the conversion.

3. Teaser networks. With well-targeted targeting, teaser networks can have a positive effect. Important: When using this method of getting traffic to the site, keep in mind that the audience is not configured to go to third-party resources. You will need the most intriguing ads and banners in order for the user to click through.

4. Coupon sites. Works very well for those who sell something or provide a service (balloon flight, water park, etc.). You can get a good conversion by making a tempting offer, BUT! You should not rely on customer loyalty, everyone wants to get something very profitable for the promotion. Popular services in Russia: Groupon.Ru, Biglion.Ru, Vigoda.Ru, Kupikupon.Ru, Bigbuzzy.Ru.

5. An affiliate program from a different industry. Here you need to be creative, come up with something to interest customers. For example, getting a discount when using your resource. Users are cold, but if the offer is tempting, then customers can respond.

6. Sponsoring. You can become a sponsor of an event, photo shoot, etc. For this, your logo will be posted on the event website and mentioned in the event report. The cooler the event, the more likely it is that you will be interested.

7. Traffic from doorways. We buy traffic on exchanges and from individuals. Users are redirected to the online store. Monitor traffic quality carefully - if the doorway is non-thematic, there will be no conversion. However, even with a thematic doorway, conversion will be low, coverage is more important.

8.Clickunder. One of the old methods of driving traffic. The user is not aware that there will be a transition. The tab will open under the active window. In general, a relatively user-friendly way. The user may not even notice the window at first, it will not bother him, but he will read the information later.

9.Popunder & Popup. This is worse. When you enter the site, an additional window with your site opens in the browser. The user has to close the window, and if he also needs to confirm his desire to exit, this is already annoying the user. In the case of Popup, it is not a tab that appears, but a small pop-up window in which you can advertise anything. To close, as a rule, you need to click on the cross, and then answer the question - why did you decide to close the advertisement. Such methods can be boring and remembered by users.

10. Traffic exchanges. Buying traffic on exchanges -,,, etc. Exchanges sell traffic from doorways, clickunder, popunder, mobile traffic, etc. If you are faced with the task of quickly getting traffic to your site and converting it into orders, but you do not have time to attract it, this option will be the best solution. However, keep in mind that more often than not, adult traffic and its quality are not high.

11. Purchase of mobile traffic. Everything is simple and also very annoying - the site redirects its mobile traffic to you. Enrages? Yes!! What for? To grab the audience's attention. (It is important to understand that you will not be perceived positively)

12. Traffic from pre-rolls and overlays in the video. If appears in front of a thematic video - annoying, but gives a chance. If it appears in front of any other video, it will probably cause a very negative reaction. BUT! You will be noticed and remembered.

13.Contextual advertising (CMS). Text and image ads in the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) and the Google Display Network (GDN). Despite the fact that GDN and YAN refer to contextual advertising in terms of the mechanics of their work, in terms of traffic quality they are more reminiscent of ordinary teaser networks. The traffic is as cold as in teaser networks and shows similar behavior. Cheaper than from search engines, but the conversion is lower.

14. Targeted advertising on social networks. As with ads in social media groups, this type of traffic gets into both columns (hot and cold traffic). Targeting needs to be set as narrowly as possible. Otherwise, it looks like teaser networks and you need to lure with the most advantageous offer.​


Depending on the target audience, it is advisable to use different traffic sources. If you need to make your brand recognizable, you can safely use cold traffic sources. In such a case, remember that they are not always perceived positively; however, cold traffic is cheaper and produces results in a short time. Hot traffic works better, but it is more expensive and requires more effort. Try different sources, analyze and earn; we will always help you!

Get only high-quality traffic with!

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Webmaster's time management

Life is hard for a webmaster, especially in the context of time management. Today we’ll tell you what “arbitration” time management is, how it differs from regular planning, and why it is difficult to manage time in our field.

Let's start with the fact that the work of any affiliate marketer (especially a beginner) is full of unpredictability. The market in which we operate is very labile. It is important to understand that the differences are both for the better and for the worse. In addition, the work of any webmaster is often not standardized. It is not limited to a 9-hour office day. This is round-the-clock monitoring of everything that happens.

In this regard, there are the most common problems that everyone faced, let's discuss them and find out how to get rid of them.

Lack of time for personal life
Inability to organize the workflow
Difficulty in prioritizing

The main thing to understand, being an affiliate marketer is work. Sitting with a laptop, you can be distracted - this is the first difficulty. If you really want to make money, and not just test and lose money, consider your activity as a job. Set aside a certain number of hours each day to work, determine when you start and when you end the work day. Use the computer only for its intended purpose during these hours. Don't watch videos on YouTube, don't check Instagram, don't look for memes. Just work. The less distracted you are, the faster you get done. One big break, like everyone else, should only be for lunch. Put your phone away. You don't need to answer all your friends' questions about how you are doing and why you are silent. You are silent because you are working now.

If you're just getting started, you might think that affiliate marketers are chilling on the coast. Yes, some chill, but these are those who have already organized their work, and they do not procrastinate, but allow themselves to rest before the next job. So all those who want to #donothing, just pass by.

The second main point is that although this work is very unstable (in time), you need to organize your day. Start from the beginning. Set a goal. Think of ways to achieve it.

make a list of tasks that contribute to the achievement of your goals;
categorize them according to their importance;
set deadlines for each task;
organize your tasks.

What if you have made a plan and are following it, but a new task appears?

Answer: revise the plan, adjust the priorities. Perhaps the new task is not so urgent. Then you won't have to change your daily routine.

Next, about the breaks. Breaks are necessary, but they must be correct. Psychologists say that when a person interrupts in the middle of work and begins to rest, let's say 15 minutes, then he needs another 15 minutes to return to work. That is why you need to pause correctly. Not in the middle of solving a problem, but, say, in the interval between tasks. Be sure to set aside an hour for lunch. At this time, in no case go to the computer, this is your well-deserved rest. We don't even recommend taking your phone. You have an hour to rest.

What is important to our work? And what should be in the plan of the day? That's right, watching the news. It is important for us to always be aware of events, any situation, any hype. You don't know anything about the industry — not an affiliate marketer. “On the wave” is the key phrase. Accordingly, it is ideal to start your day by watching the news.

Traffic arbitrage is a business. You can make good money on it, but good money requires an appropriate attitude. Options "and so it goes" will not work. If you want to be among the best, you need to think like the best. Organize your time, manage it. You control your day, not he you. It is these easy principles that will help you to treat your work correctly and make a profit, not lose :)

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Good afternoon. Today we would like to present you new GEOs for the Vulkanbet offer, which is familiar to many webmasters.
Bonus - conversion rates for apps from Facebook for the last 14 days.

Poland - 31% click2reg, 14% reg2dep
Portugal - 19% click2reg, 15% reg2dep
Germany - 26% click2reg, 11% reg2dep

VulkanBET -
Bid and paid goal: 60$ per mindep
GEO: Portugal
Minimum deposit: 5 euro
Test limit: 20 fd

VulkanBET -
Bid and paid goal: 140$ per mindep
GEO: Germany
Minimum deposit: 5 euro
Test limit: 20 fd

VulkanBET -
Bid and paid goal: 75$ per mindep
GEO: Poland
Minimum deposit: 5 euro
Test limit: 20 fd

Easy and fast registration
Betting + Casino
Payment for min dep

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TOP 6 applications to help organize webmaster's time management

1. The most basic and simple place to start with is a yellow notebook. Yes, this may not be the software you expected. But it really works. Since there is a lot of work in your life at the PC, it will be quite convenient to write down all the work moments in the diary.


2. If you don’t want the "classic", then there is a pretty good analogue, the Time PLANNER attachment. Download it to your iPhone (free and PRO version available for $ 4.99). The program combines the functions of a task manager with reminders and a time control tool that allows you to analyze work activity over a certain period of time.

3.The second app for ios and android is Todoist. A convenient application in which you can enter cases of any importance (buy food, hold a meeting, etc.). You can add tasks, label them, set priorities, and even filter by personal and delegated.


4. Another suitable app for your Android might be Sectograph. This app works like a widget (appears on your phone screen) and resembles an analog clock that syncs with Google Calendar. All scheduled tasks will be displayed right on the watch face and you will receive reminders of important plans.


5.Now let's move on to services. Trello is a project management software. You can add multiple performers and keep track of your tasks and the tasks of other people. Convenient because you can add an unlimited number of people and tasks. Available as an app and on the web.


6.Wunderlist. Perfect for personal affairs and work. You can view other people's public lists, share your own, add comments, and set tasks. Available for PC and gadgets.


There are thousands of similar programs, and among them you can find those that are convenient for you. We have collected applications that we like and which we actively use in our work.

And do not forget that in any planner, “work with” should always come first)))

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Friends, we have a new offer for one of the top GEOs: Poland and Germany.
Hurry up, there is a test limit!

Wildfortune -
Bid and paid goal: 75$ per mindep + wager 1 euro
Geo: Poland
Minimum deposit: 20 euros
Test limit: 20 fd

Wildfortune -
Bid and paid goal: 110$ per mindep + wager 1 euro
GEO: Germany
Minimum deposit: 20 euros
Test limit: 20 fd

Convenient registration form!
Supports different currencies and payment systems!
Numerous bonuses!
A huge selection of games of all popular genres!

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How to get cheap SEO traffic to the casino. Case: ROI 210% on PlayAmo​

Hello! I’ll share the intermediate results because I don’t know how to scale the offer I’m working with. I think my idea will help someone earn a lot.

As an offer, I chose one of my favorite casino brands - PlayAmo and for the split test I took a similar offer, Bob Casino.

In the summer of 2017, I met with the owners of the PlayAmo project at the Russian Gambling Week (RGW) conference, when they just appeared on the Russian market - great guys! Hi, Kolya :)
The PlayAmo project has not yet gained much popularity among Russian media buyers, comparing it with Vulcan Casino. Of course, there are media buyers who know about this casino and work with it, because unlike Vulcan Casino, PlayAmo's offer has a wider geography and accepts traffic from all over the world. This offer has a high conversion rate, since the product is quite new and of high quality,target audience and a wide around the world, which is not yet familiar with the offer.
And most importantly, PlayAmo works only with licensed software, and has already got the trust of many foreign players. For this reason, generating traffic from European GEOs is even more enjoyable.
For BobCasino's offer I already had some groundwork. I am not familiar with their owners, but I had experience testing this offer. I can say for sure the following:
The conditions are very similar to PlayAmo - the same wide opportunities for GEO and rate.
On teaser traffic, the conversion was high (by the previous tests).
According to GEO: initially, it was planned to test four popular locations where, in my opinion, the casino has the best conversion: Poland, Germany, Canada and Holland. Then something went wrong, but more on that later.
For both offers, I had the same conditions: In Poland, the payout was 70 euros, and for other countries — 100 euros, for making a minimum deposit ($10). I was given such a stake for the testing period for approved sources - contextual advertising and SEO.
During testing, it was necessary to achieve 15-20 deposits for each offer. After the test, they promised to raise the rate.​

What did I do​

In order to launch the PlayAmo offer, I took as a basis my website, which I made about a year ago, after which I generated traffic for Vulcan Casino for a while. I used this site as a landing page.

What's on the site?
1. Casino catalog with reviews, descriptions and reviews (10 projects, 3 of them - Vulcan Casino)
2. Casino rating (the same 10 projects)
3. A small fake forum, in which topics for each of the projects are created and many fake comments are written and reviews from people playing at this Casino.
The forum is inhabited by many "people". One “person” could leave several comments, for example, about how he prepared for the game, how he won, how he got paid. Also, users start conversations, ask other players about their successes, look for friends. A great option for introverted media buyers!
On the same forum, among the comments of "people", there are replies to user comments from "official representatives" casinos. These profiles have an avatar with the casino logo, they publish official announcements and messages for fake forum residents that a tournament is starting in the casino, or everyone has been paid money, or there will be a bonus tomorrow when replenishing...
And these representatives must also respond to fake people to their questions, help them learn to win, support morally and do all this without an official tone.
Among all this fake life, there should be native info blocks motivating future players to register and play at the casino that is your offer. Such information blocks can be made both on behalf of people and on behalf of casino representatives. It is important to do everything realistically, to motivate users correctly - do not write “deposit 500 rubles and withdraw 5000”, rather write something like:
User: “I haven't played here for a long time, the last time I had a contest, I won more than 10k. Recently, the casino has added a VIP status, began to participate again, climbed a couple of steps. I decided to play, added 1000 today. I called a friend, he also plays. While I am pulling 1600, he is pulling 5700, but this is just disrespect for the old players. "

Admin: “Unfortunately, this is a standard validation procedure that all players go through. At the moment, due to the large influx of new users, everything really happens with a slight delay. I am sure that soon you will be validated and withdraw your winnings))) "

User: " Yes, they confirmed and issued a withdrawal for a long time, just did not write immediately, sorry!) "

I hope it is clear what the essence of the messages is and how they will be in the general mass of other messages that influence conversion.

The Method of earning money cast on such a forum, accompanied by discussions with the administrator, gives good results.
For traffic users, there is also an opportunity to comment on the forum, but their comments are published only after moderation.
It is better to simulate activity on the forum all the time while you generate content through it. It is enough to leave 1-5 messages a day to make the forum look alive.
An important component of such a forum is a well-assembled semantic core. And, of course, the site itself must be SEO-friendly.
I will not help you anymore. I will not show the site and I will not give a list of keywords; I myself use this technique now :)
This forum is the main part of success.​

Back to the case​

I had a problem: initially my site was fully optimized for Russia, with texts in Russian and generally about other casinos... In general, I decided to duplicate it and change the content, only the skeleton and the engine remained. Most of the content from the copy had to be cut out and redone based on the fact that I'm going to upload BobCasino and PlayAmo. I also had to do a complete redesign and new SEO optimization, but for me it was not difficult. The new design was done by the designer, and the optimization was carried out by a familiar SEO specialist who did everything for half a day for little money)
I immediately realized that it would be difficult to translate all the content into 3 languages in order to work with four GEOs, and then I decided to focus on Poland.
I chose Poland because about half a year ago I talked with one arbitration team in Kiev. These guys have been generating gambling traffic for several years now. They told me that online casinos in Poland give a very high conversion rate. Then I had a chance to test this hypothesis and it turned out to be true.
So now I decided to try to take advantage of the experience and expectations were justified.
After the site was ready and hosted by a Polish hoster, I realized that it would not immediately rise to the top of the search engine. I completely forgot about it, because I'm not a CEO. You had to wait. But there was another way out: Google Contextual Advertising. I decided to distribute traffic across the pages of the site in order to increase activity on it and send 85% to the pages of the forum in order to get a conversion into a deposit.
Later I found out that my ads can be pushed through without gray schemes. This is probably due to the fact that online casinos are legalized in Poland and it is possible that BobCasino and PlayAmo generally have Google certificates for this country.
I’ll not talk about the account settings of the ad. But I will share a secret: there are not many keywords and they are often used for casino topics. One keyword brings 90% of the conversion, all others account for the remaining 10%. Perhaps you can increase the number of keys and the result will improve, but I'm too lazy. xD The
cost per click for my requests turned out to be quite loyal - an average of 47 Russian rubles per click (0.62 USD).
A fake forum gives a good conversion.
At the moment, the statistics (without organic traffic, few visitors are still getting to the site from the search) for two offers looks like this:



My site just recently began to appear in the Google search results for some queries that most often appear in messages on the forum. Some even get into the top of search results. The SEO result has appeared, but it needs to be improved.
At the moment, it was possible to convert 4 deposits from search queries - this is not enough :) There were only about 100 user clicks on the site from the search - there is room to grow!
The potential of the method is huge, although I don't yet understand how much it can be scaled ... The fact is that Google does not provide an opportunity to increase the number of clicks and the number of requests is limited, and making copies of such sites is quite difficult :(
I hope that due to the forum that the site will attract more live traffic from search results. Maybe even a fake forum will become real as a result ... I have already been left with several real comments, to which I and 40 of my alter egos have responded. You need to watch to understand what happens :)
At this moment the costs for the case amounted to 162,000 rubles in Google Adwords
Earned in the CPA network 6640 euros, which is equal to 504,640 rubles.
The current ROI is 210%
PlayAmo's offer and you can get the best conditions for it in theCPA network :)
In short, these are the things, I was glad to share! Space profit everyone! Just like mine ... = P

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Hello everyone, we would like to present you a CPL offer - it is a great option for a simple start in gambling!

Jackie Jackpot -
Bid and paid goal: 9$ per registration
GEO: Canada
Test limit: 30 registrations

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The most mature GEOs for online gambling
The first online gambling platforms appeared in 1995. Since then, they have developed steadily and attracted more and more players. Now online gambling is at the peak of its popularity, the market volume is estimated at over €45 billion, and the number continues to grow.

Is it worth pursuing such a specific and expensive niche as gambling? The answer is clear - worth it! Large payouts, large audience, scalability. Which GEOs are the best to drive traffic to to make a lot of money?

Let's find out...​

1.Europe (€ 22,074 billion)​

Europe is the most developed GEO in the field of gambling.

According to the latest data, the growth rate of income from online gambling is over 17% of the world level! This can be explained by the fact that in many countries the activities of online gambling establishments have been legalized and they can develop freely (within the framework of the legislation).

The second reason is the level of economic development. As you know, in Europe there are economically developed countries and the standard of living of citizens there is quite high. Why not play in free time?!

The most profitable GEOs in Europe in the field of gambling are Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France and Spain. The second echelon includes Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland and Greece.

Forward to conquer Europe!

2. Asia (€ 12,379 billion)​

Thanks to the great leap in economic development, in the countries of Asia, the GDP per capita has increased many times. As we know, people's income greatly influences their desire to gamble :)

The most developed GEOs that control almost 100% of online gambling are: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

If you are planning to generate traffic in Asia, then it is worth keeping in mind these countries :)

3. North America (€ 8.078 billion)​

In some parts of North America, online casinos are legal, in others they are not, but this does not prevent people from playing and winning on third-party servers that are installed outside the country.

Forward to conquer America!​

4. Australia (€ 2.651 million)​

In Australia, online casinos are not banned, winnings are not taxed and people who like to gamble from time to time like it :)

The most interesting thing is that in Australia more than 80% of the adult population is addicted to gambling ... Indeed, why not play around when GDP per capita is higher than the UK? :D

But not everything is as good as we would like... Gambling has penetrated very well into the domestic market of the country, which caused massive gambling addiction. As a result, we have:
The market is very saturated with various online and offline casinos, there are practically no prospects for expansion;
The state is fighting against gambling addiction at the legislative level, introducing serious restrictions and prohibitions

However, these aspects do not exclude Australia from the list of promising GEOs for online gambling, since despite all the prohibitions, people still find workarounds to play their favorite games ...

5. Latin America (€ 834 million)​

Today the sphere of gambling in Latin America is gaining momentum. The main reason is that the gambling business is not banned in almost any country in the region.

If you want to generate traffic in Latin America, then you should take a closer look at Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, this is where the largest number of casinos and very gambling people are located. Also worth considering are Colombia, Bolivia and Peru.

According to the latest research, online casinos are in great demand among Latin Americans, perhaps here you can earn your first millions :)

6. Africa (€ 304 million)​

Recently, mobile technologies have begun to develop rapidly in Africa. The Internet and smartphones have become available to many segments of the population and this has become the reason for the rapid development of the online gambling industry in the region.

Citizens in Africa are very passionate about sports betting, lotteries and online casinos. The most developed countries by GEO are: South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and Ghana.

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Friends, as you know, Mostbet shows itself perfectly on Turkey via mobile apps. So we would like to offer you to split this offer with the new offer Bahigo!

Bahigo -
Bid and paid goal: 60$ for 20$ baseline
Geo: Turkey
Test limit: 20 fd

We recommend you to generate traffic using mobile apps. Free Android/iOS apps are available, you can get the app and share your accounts via @GamblingProTGB_bot

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Foreign GEOs against CIS countries: unexpected finds that change the perception of the Gambling market

Hello, today we will tell you about interesting discoveries that team has found in a year of work :)

What forced us to reduce the volume of traffic to Russia and the CIS and start more active to study foreign GEOs?
Бурж против РФ и СНГ ГЕО: неожиданные находки, которые меняют представление о Gambling рынке, изображение №2

Firstly, a significant tightening of moderation and rules restricting casino advertising in almost all top sources, which used to give us most of the traffic. VK was the first to stop working, then Yandex, and now Google and Facebook have tightened regulation so much that it is almost impossible to work with them.

Secondly, there is a general trend towards a decrease in conversion rates and an increase in the price of a targeted action in Russia and the CIS.

Thirdly, the lack of new worthy casino offers on the Russian and CIS markets.
Existing casinos do not have a budget for buying traffic, and new advertisers do not know how to conduct analytics and work with incoming traffic. Often, working with new offers leads not to profit, but to creating problems.​

Using the example of top offerslook​

Let's take at the examples of offers that are still operating in the Russian market. Offer "Volcano 24" with antifraud system. A year ago, the ratio from the same FB to applications averaged 1: 5, now this indicator has dropped almost 3 times and became 1:13. If we consider the “Vulcan Club” offer without an anti-fraud system, then the situation there is even worse - at the moment its ratio in registration with FB does not exceed 1:10. The Vulcan Club offer with its antifraud system is even worse.

Affiliate marketing for these offers has become very problematic. The complexity is created by constantly adding new advertising accounts, working with payment orders, updating fast-burning creatives, preparing and downloading applications. High costs prevent you from earning on these offers.

To continue making profit on these offers, you need a fresh target audience that has not been converted before, or a fresh approach that the old target audience has not seen and will believe. Another way out is to ask the advertiser for a bid increase after the test (this can only work if the test is successful and your traffic meets the KPI).

If we talk about the offers "Volcano Platinum" and "Volcano Russia", then earlier it was possible to achieve a ratio in registration from FB to applications 1: 3 using them. Now this indicator has also shifted downward and has worsened by about 2 times, to 1: 5 ratios in registration for "Platinum Volcano" and 1: 6 for "Russia Volcano". That is, these two offers are now at about the same stage of development as Vulkan 24 was a year and a half ago. This means that it is likely that if we continue to convert the target audience from Russia to these offers in the same volume, then in a year and a half, the ratio on these products will also drop to 1:10 and 1:15, respectively.

“Licensed ROX” once (around 2017), which blew up the CPA market with a conversion rate of 1: 3 for registration from FB to applications, today, like the Pathinum Volcano, has twice the worst performance and converts with an indicator of 1: 7.

Conversion on old offers has decreased - this fact forces advertisers to create new offers. For example, ROX has such casinos as Fresh, SoL, Volcano Mega, aimed at target audiences from Russia.

But there was a problem - all these products worked well only at the start. This was influenced by many factors, including the fact that partners are looking for new brands and everyone is quite positive and loyal to the advertiser. When new offers first appeared, the conversion was better than on the old ones, but not for long. In just a few months, the conversion rate for new offers dropped to 1: 7 and 1:10 for existing products (from FB to apps). This suggests that the reason for the conversion slowdown lies not only in the absence of new offers, but also in the absence of new approaches for converting the target audience.

The old approaches we use have already worked for our audience. The existing target audience has developed “banner blindness”. Many of these people have formed a total distrust and therefore do not convert in principle. No one else believes in the case story of how a beautiful girl earns several thousand dollars for 2 hours of work per week and spends them on whatever she wants. The target audience in Russia is already tired of media buyers. There are also impious specialists among us who use destructive approaches and openly deceive their target audience in order to get a conversion. All these fleeting penny earnings on a scale are killing the market and provoking an even faster burning out of Central Asia in Russia.

We are talking mainly about traffic from Russia, because, in fact, all the offers listed above, from some point on, work only with this GEO. The only exception is Volcano Platinum, which accepts registrations from the CIS countries, but residents of these countries have a relatively low solvency, and therefore the chance to fulfill KPIs with such traffic tends to zero.

I am not saying that these offers or GEOs are dead. The conversion of received registrations to deposits remained at approximately the same high level as before 1: 2.5 and 1: 3 for all these offers. This shows that the quality of the products has not dropped, the target audience's interest in these offers has dropped, but it is still possible and even necessary to work with them. But when working with these offers, your ROI will no longer be 250, 500 or 800%, but about 50, 70 or 100%, which is normal, but not as profitable as before. Also, it became more difficult to obtain such an ROI because in the FB the price of the install has grown significantly, and the optimization, in our opinion, has deteriorated.​

Want more!​

I want to, but I can't. Why many media buyers are afraid to start working with foreign GEOs, we described in detail in this article: “Frightening foreign countries. Fears that prevent starting work with other GEOs”. I recommend that you read this article, so I’ll not tell you about it again.

The only thing I will say again, at the start, our team was also intimidated by the work with foreign traffic, but we figured it out pretty quickly and realized that everything is not scary, as it seems.

Firstly, in foreign GEOs, as well as in Russia, the approach with generating traffic to webview mobile applications works perfectly. And the approach with mobile applications makes the work of the media buyer easier: starting from auto-moderation and increasing conversion by 30%, regarding traffic generation to mobile landing pages, ending with the ability to use push notifications, fix the entry point for the user and, as a result, increase LTV. The traffic is happy, the advertiser is happy, the media buyer is happy, and when your bid is raised for your efforts, you will become the happiest :)

Secondly, if you generate traffic through the FB using mobile applications, the process of creating creatives is greatly simplified. For work, you practically do not need to translate texts - it is enough to translate calls to action in the description of posts, and if you work with Stories, then only creativity is enough, without text.

Thirdly, we learned that in foreign GEOs there are offers that are comparable in conversion with the top offers in Russiaand, but 2-3 times exceed them in rate. A high rate allows you to get 250-350% ROI. Finding these offers was not easy, but they completely changed our perception of the world.

It was difficult to search for offers in foreign GEOs due to the fact that the amount of work and the number of advertisers is much larger than in Russia. For a number of reasons, not everyone can make money.

We met such problem:
Hold 60 days and analyst time in 2 months
is no mobile version and the normal landing page
is not possible to pass parameters and configure the integration of
lack of contact during operation, ignoring the
outright refusal
Breakdown, with domains problems payments
statistics is uploaded once a week
Inadequate KPI: payback in 14 days; 100% ROI of the advertising campaign after 21 days; average bill $ 100
Restriction by traffic sources, including those that are main for us
Restriction on the use of our creatives

And, finally, some offers simply do not convert.

We tried working with different advertisers and tested many of their offers. It was difficult, but the work was not done in vain. We overcame all our fears about working with foreign GEOs, learned how to effectively build our interaction with local advertisers, learned how to roughly determine the converting ability of an offer without tests, and gained invaluable experience that we can now share with you.

What if I say that foreign GEOs have offers that convert in registrations from FB to applications with ratios of 1:10 and 1:7 from registrations to deposits, but the rate on them is from $ 150 for a minimum deposit?

What if I also say that there are foreign offers for which you can send contextual advertising to a brand with a ratio of 1:7 in registration and 1:5 in a deposit and with a stake of $100 or more?

Then your attitude will change, right? Many of you have already tested one or more foreign high-bidding offers. Some may have noticed that a very small conversion is obtained for a large volume of generated traffic, for example, 2 registrations for 10,000 clicks from the native network. After this, media buyers stop trying and return to familiar and understandable offers for Russia and the CIS. It also happens that you received a lot of registrations, but did not receive deposits o_O

We will not consider situations for low quality traffic. There may be several reasons for your failure:

You have chosen a GEO, on which the offer does not convert — a common problem for offers with multiGEO.

In such a situation, it is necessary to find out where the brand is most popular, because in that country it will give the best conversion than in all other countries. Unknown brands in the country may not convert at all.

The advertiser has unstable payment systems for this GEO.

We try to avoid and exclude such products from our CPA network altogether. Our managers can always clarify for you the current state of the operation of payment systems from the advertiser. In, such incidents are virtually excluded, but somewhere else you may encounter such a problem (we came across).

You have chosen a difficult GEO, where gambling is disloyal and conversion is poor.

As you already understood, the main problems and reasons for your failures are associated with the choice of GEO, the popularity of the brand in this GEO, with the laws regulating the activities of online casinos for this GEO and with the stability of payment systems. If you analyze the online casino market, the situation with the laws and peculiarities of the mentality in a particular selected country, you can avoid these problems without losing money on failed tests.

About the peculiarities of the mentality of residents of different countries, we recommend our wonderful column of articles “Around the World with”. We write about the peculiarities of life and everyday life of citizens of this or that country through the prism of their attitude to gambling and online casinos.

We will not tell in this article about foreign offers with high conversions that we found in a year of work. Most of the offers we keepin private access, or do not announce, we give access to them only to those partners who were able to win our trust and establish themselves in our network.

Thank you all for your attention!

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