Funny Google Tricks

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Enjoy it, it take me almost half hour to write this in English, btw I apologize for spelling mistakes I tried to write this the best I can ... (y)


Two days ago internet news said: "Put on google: DO A BARREL ROLL". What happens when you try to search to find such a sentence? Something very unusual ...

This so-called easter egg (literally stands for the Easter egg). According to Wikipedia, "different types of references to the reality (including virtual), published by authors in their productions. They are usually humorous accent. They can refer to films, literature, celebrities."

Google has more of them, not only in the search ...

After typing in Google DO A BARREL ROLL searchengine, as requested, perform a barrel - air maneuver.

This is a reference to the opinion of the game "Star Fox 64" for the Nintendo 64, spoken by our pilot's companion:


2. Ninja in your Google RSS

It seems that someone at Google likes to play games, because another easter egg also refers to them. Simply tap in the open window in an RSS reader famous "Konami Code" (or "Contra Code"), which is used in the game "Contra" allowed to acquire 30 additional live's.


You will see the defender of our RSS feeds. You can remove it using the same code.

3. Monster from Loch Google


Interesting - if you set yourself a theme from Google, this is a chance that will change with the times of the day. This allows to see the Loch Ness monster!


Just setup on your iGoogle page theme "Beach" and look at it o. .. 3:14 at night. XD

It's not all. At night you can also observe an interesting phenomenon in the "City Scape" theme.

Which one? I Don't betray that, check it by yourself or google it. ;p

4. Search by Klingon :))


Google is democratic - your language,no need to be true (?), you even dosent need to use any language know on Earth :sun:

So when you go to - you can search web using Klingon language XD and if you want something more you can also check and search using Piggy Latin (wtf is this) ...

5. Google Army - become a pilot of F-16

Google programmers probably have too much free time. Because How else we can explain the hidden flight simulator in a model of the earth? ^o) A start-up is easy. Just start Google Earth and press Ctrl + Alt + A (Command + Option + A on Mac)

And then select the plane:


How does it look and how to start it ? You can see this in the video below - btw look at graphics :w00t: pretty cool ...


6. The great Question about Life, the Universe and all the rest

Does Google know everything? Almost, in fact knows the answer to the Great Question about Life, the Universe and all the rest ! :facepalm:


about that qestion (wiki):

In the first novel and radio series, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42.

The Ultimate Question itself is unknown.

7. Animal magnetism of Picasa


This is one of the strangest easter egg's - I actually don't know to what you can use this :D . Although a theory can be drawn.

In Picasa we often have pictures of loved ones. And when we look at them, and we begin to miss them we felt sad. There is a solution! >.<

Press Ctrl + Shift + Y and you will see teddy bear. One is not enough? Click again and again until the whole screen overshadow the plush sweetness. :D <3

8. Many incarnations of Google Streets puppet


Only few people know that yellow guy, which is set on the map to see a preview of the street, is called Pegman. To celebrate various holidays Google changes its appearance - on Valentine's Day has become the heart, instead of the green tag, sometimes becomes a snowman and sometimes a witch. And when we put him on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, California, turns into a rainbow hippie shirt. :D

9. Turn on gravity on Google awesome ! :sun:


Even as powerful tool as Google has to become the laws of physics. Type in search engine "google gravity" and press "I'm Feeling Lucky" (you need to disable the search to date in the options or click on this link to the right of search results). You can also use this link to open this page directly -

10. Google Ascii


Programmers at Google must like not only games, but also the ascii graphics. If you type in se "ascii art" Google logo also adopts such a form. :)

11. Crooked Google


Type in google - "tilt" or "askew" ....

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WOW man,

Awesome. Best thing, when you get bored working.

In my own experience, I was bored working and was looking for something to relax for a minute and got this thing very helpful.

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