Selling Full Database of a warez forum [100% unique]

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Active Member
Hello Wj,

6 months before i had a warez forum MegaFreeDownload on this domain : (currently a warezblog)
as i was hosting my forum on a onshore server.. they suspended my site after almost a year.. :P lol..
after that i changed my host to some offshore host but didn't got time to reinstall n manage warezforum again.. :(

no of members : 8000 (approx.)
no of threads : 7000+ (i dont remember the exact figure.. it may be more then 9000 :P... lol)
no of posts : 14000 (approx.)

This warezforum also had a image host in subdomain
i.e (dead link)
no of images hosted : 7000+

If you want a demo sorry, I don't have one. Thats why I provided the live link where I got the DB from. i had attached some screenshot of database backup :)
I don't provide free setup/installation nor installation services. So, don't ask for me to set it up for you.
I'm only here to sell the database only.

forum Sql file size : 58mb
full database size :
530mb+ (approx)[zipped]
1.1gb+ [upzipped] !!

screenshots :

SQL size:

database size (unzipped) :

Price : 35$ per copy;)

owner proof :

Interested members can rply here or shoot me a Pm!

Payment only though PayPal ! (bank transfer available for indian residents)

You will get all details, etc after 24hrs of payment!

PS : i will sell only one copy of this database if you offer me a fair price:)
else 3 copies are available.. :P


ViX :)

Sold one copy of DB to Robin H in 35$
two more available :D
got few points

1. images r not saved in database whatsoever script u use for ex/;Chevereto use /images/ folder to save all the images uploaded
2. members in database is useless how ppl will know u r using same database where there r already registered
3. m sure the links in posts will be dead already
@raj11 : all images were stored on a image hosting.. i.e subdomain of this warez site.. btw i have included all those images in this database too :)

@ Angeix : thanks :) !
Does a DB file have all member usernames and passwords?

Were users notified their personal data (logins, passwords, emails) could be sold to a random person such like you're doing now?

Or does a DB have ONLY the posts and download links members have contributed to your forum?

Isn't it better to protect the database yourself or destroy it rather than give it to some cracker/phisher or person on the internet whom you've never met? You're selling the privacy of thousands of people who signed up for your site, not to a buyer who promises to recreate your original forum but to the person with the highest bid.
@ ilyathereis : i dont know where you can find passwords :-/ but for sure you can change them from vb admin panel :)
btw i was the owner of this warez forum, so i do have all the right to sell this database to any legit buyer. :)
@ ilyathereis : i dont know where you can find passwords :-/ but for sure you can change them from vb admin panel :)
btw i was the owner of this warez forum, so i do have all the right to sell this database to any interested buyer. :)
To be honest and legal actually you DO NOT have those rights unless you informed the members upon registration. It would be a breach of the privacy law :'(, but then again I don't care...
ilyathereis said:
Were users notified their personal data (logins, passwords, emails) could be sold to a random person such like you're doing now?

Because you haven't stated any conditions (e.g. the buyer must recreate the original forum you had -- essentially a full site transfer -- or must already be the owner of a large forum who will invite your old members) on this DB sale, it shows you don't care what about the buyer's intentions. In fact, you're selling 3 copies (maybe more outside WJ).

Why multiple copies?

What good could come of selling the privacy of 8000 members once, much less 3 times?

You're just looking for a buyer, erm, make that 3 buyers. This is all a hacker wants. Sure, you've provided convincing evidence you're the DB's owner (but that's my point), but the means (i.e. you don't care what the buyer will do) and the end of the purchases (3 copies!) are no different than that of a hacker who has stolen a DB.
Looking just for self-profit, Its just like encashing anything that comes by; ignoring any side-effects to anyone.
This happens every week on WJ.

The only requirement to sell a database on WJunction is that you provide good evidence you're the original forum/DB owner. I think DB sales shouldn't be allowed. In this specific case, the site has been shutdown, so it's not like a simple ownership transfer of an up and running forum.

The fact that vics.devil has no hopes or expectations arising from a buyer's (ok, 3 buyers -- why 3 buyers if you're not selling for money and care 0% for your members) purchase leads one to think he's doing it for financial expediency. Again, not once, but 3 times.

There's no other explanation and vics.devil, you're not even trying to hide this fact. 3 buyers...
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