From where to upload to Openload?

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I use a RDP in NL from Hostdzire with SSD , 32 CPU Cores and a 10 Gbps line. And the average upload speeds to openload are 10-20 MB/sec. Sure even now and again I get 40-50 MB/sec but just for 1-2 sec. after that drops to the usual 10-20 MB/sec.

And I know openload has better upload speeds because other uploaders are killing me in the release game how fast they upload to openload.

So maybe one of you can share with me a location from where to get fast upload speeds to openload.
With FTP I get slower speeds than with Zoom and with Web Upload ( browser ) I get 1-2 MB/sec.

Some will say 20 MB/sec for 2-3 seconds than 10 MB/sec. or lower is great. But in fact it's not. When you have one of the best RDP's on the market and other file hosts get you upload speeds well over 100 MB/sec. What I get from Openload is truly disappointing.

Have you try to use their remote upload method if your file are on other web servers? So far I've got more than 100Mbs with remote upload one.

I hope this will help you. I just wondering do you really need to download the file to your rdp and upload it again?

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Openload servers in Romania, so both in Europe and the speed should be good. I get almost 50MB/s from the same location as you.

But sometimes when Marcel's servers are overloaded it's really hard to get even 10MB/s, but it doesn't happen regularly.

And the 10Gbps RDP from HostDzire is shared between minimum 12 or more users so it's like 1Gbps or lower for you. Create a ticket asking them to check if anyone is abusing their network in the same node as you. Also, try running a Traceroute and send it to HostDzire so they can try to solve your issue if the network is not abused or the network is not bad. Sometimes due to routing issue, it may slow your connectivity to Openload's (or any other) server. Network administrators are able to fix it by making some changes.

I hope it helps you. Thanks.

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@QuikrMovies wow what a great reply. Even though the 10 Gbps line is shared with other 10-12 users I upload almost non stop and I can't say I felt any slowdowns caused by sharing the 10 Gbps line.

About creating a ticket and explaining all this to the support at HostDzire I know what they are going to say: We don't guarantee an upload or download speeds to any file host.

I don't understand how a big file host like Openload does not optimize the routing and peering with NL servers. NL has the biggest DC's in Europe and many file hosts have great routing with these DC's.

@parrjj91 I will try to talk to webpundits to see what's what in France, but I know they like to stuff a lot of users in a server like over 12 users and mixed them up some encoders other uploaders and moust of the time that's not great.
Hmm.. Maybe I misunderstood them then.

Whichever. I can upload 20GB of videos in about 3-5 minutes with my RDP. Works for me, and I can't really complain.
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