[FREE] SplitIce's Crazy Giveaway [$5].

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Active Member
Registration closes in 24 hours.

I am giving away 1 months free Netherlands Reverse Proxy Hosting to 15 lucky wJ'ers! and more in the comming weeks. 1 month is valued at $5 for a small sized site, as such that is what your account is credited with. Now you can try my service with no risk. For larger sites $10 a month is a better estimate howeaver this giveaway only provides $5 in which case it will last you a fortnight.

For help please see our main thread

  • New Customers only, dont anyone try anything stupid. Sorry existing customers, Ill have more promotions running in the future that you may be able to participate in.
  • You must provide a review (Minimum Length 5 sentences) within 6 days of getting your service or your service will not continue for the remainder of your credit.
  • Ecatel IPs Only.
  • One Account per Customer.
Only available while they last! More IPs will only be purchased for paying customers once the current 15 are used up. So if you dont wish to continue the free trial, remove your IP for the sake of others.

What you receive:
  • An account on my service with $5 credit redeemable in hosting (Estimted: 1 month)

How do I proceed?
  1. Reply to this thread, state that you are taking part in this offer. This is so I can keep track of reviewers and prevent fraud and multiple accounts.
  2. Register at http://x4b.org using your wJunction username. This is for review checking.
  3. Login.
  4. Visit: "http://x4b.org/?page=splitice_is_crazy_promotion" to claim your free credit.
  5. Visit again in no more than 6 days to write your review in this thread: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?p=645527#post645527
  6. Remember Ecatel IPs only.

I need help:
First read the first post in the main thread. If that doesnt help then post here for problems claiming free giveaway or post in the main thread for setup or operational related issues.
Ok everyone enjoy while they last, and dont forget the review IN OUR MAIN THREAD when you are ready (within 6 days). Robin H refresh the Step4 page again, you registered a couple seconds to quick for me :P
Ok everyone enjoy while they last, and dont forget the review IN OUR MAIN THREAD when you are ready (within 6 days). Robin H refresh the Step4 page again, you registered a couple seconds to quick for me :P

Sorry you are not eligible for this offer or have already claimed it!

Guess I already have it? Its working fine already. Didn't think it would be instant.
8/15 remaining, Im going to bed now there is a certain number of people who havent read the thread and made their reply to this thread. All those usernames will be cleaned out in the morning.

Accounts at risk: adnin, sharesia, teamxpc

Make your reply to keep your account, its just for the purposes of me keeping track of who will owe a review.
I'll do a small review right now. And update it when I've used the IP more intensely.

Everything is pretty easy to setup. The dashboard is easy to understand.
Effects on updates are instantly noticeable. This is great in case your own server goes down and you have a backup host somewhere.

I only used it for max 48 hours so far. Because it stopped working for a while and I couldn't access my site. I guess one of the nodes had a hard time ( I'm on ecatel_1 ).
So thats the only downside. If the node is down, your site looks down while your own server might be up. But splitice knows his stuff, downtime will be minimal.

About the speed:
One word: Epic. I didn't feel any difference in my site's speed. Which is a good thing considering every package goes trough the proxy-server. I'm convinced there will even be a DECREASE in load-time with weak servers. (Provided you tweak your apache/nginx to stop keep-alives etc)

If you are worried about DMCA etc, this is the best solution imo.
Crazy Giveaway closed, anyone who still wants to keep their service after this XSLTel debackle feel free to grab a russian IP.

No review is neccessary any more, just keep the money and spend it on our services. Howeaver if you dont want the IP, dont use it we have limited resources due to this XSLTel problem so keep it for those who need it.

The XSLTel issue.
XSLTel hosted our Ecatel Node, they have been down for 18 hours now with pretty much no response or infomation. We have to persume that he has done a runner or something. As such more russian IPs have been purchased for a transition, howeaver due to the loss in money from this issue funds are limited at this stage.

I appologise for any downtime, unfortunately there was nothing I coulud do to get your sites up sooner except wait for new extra russian IPs to arrive and wait for news from XSLTel which still hasnt arrived.

All further conversation should take place in our main thread: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=46230

Thanks and Sorry,
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