Free Rapidleech Plugins for WJ Members

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Sorry ,
@Gamelord , It will be there after some time.
SaBteCh ,Megavideo Download Plugin is Working properly.If you need it ,please do say i will give you now
@Eso , please do talk me via Messenger , I will try to arrange you 4 shared plugin
I am using the latest SVN version , and trying to make all 146 Plugins working [73 DL ,73 UL],but its my Bad luck that when ever i do cross the 50 Plugin mark, the fixed plugin got Broken again.
Still Trying....and My Main Aim to to make all 146 Plugins working at once for rapidleech
Eso bro your 4shared plugin is Fixed , Please Do come online on YAHOO ! Messenger for plugin
Here is the Screenshot

[slide] [/slide]
Need Sharingmatrix upload plugin that not only work once a day. The one I'm using now only work once a day apparently, second time I tried to upload it give me "Get link download file error". Can you help DEVILZ?
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