Free logo request

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Is this really free?
Can someone make a logo suitable for a game?
Main text: The World of Kings
slogan:Ready to take the Crown?
Can someone please create one for my site
Main text: soi18
slogan: Soi18 Download Game Movie Program

I took my time to fit the colors of your site to the grand image I had in mind for your logo and it took me sometime to develop the font FreeStylerzYo so it will fit your needs as much as possible, but if you can give me a few pointers I'm sure I can improve my style and design it better, I sure hope you will use this great logo on your site.



---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

Is this really free?
Can someone make a logo suitable for a game?
Main text: The World of Kings
slogan:Ready to take the Crown?

I hope this helps:

Thank you, I've been a logo designer for 5 per 1000 years now, I think I'm getting better.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

If anyone else wants a free logo please post now. I'm on fire right now and will get it done.
I took my time to fit the colors of your site to the grand image I had in mind for your logo and it took me sometime to develop the font FreeStylerzYo so it will fit your needs as much as possible, but if you can give me a few pointers I'm sure I can improve my style and design it better, I sure hope you will use this great logo on your site.



---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

I hope this helps:


LOL Dafuq i just saw :P

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:09 AM ----------


Try 1

HD Wallpapers is in white ;)

---------- Post added at 04:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 AM ----------

@u5203173 For you, Try 1

@kazix07 Provide some more info.....
The main text "The World of Kings" should be bigger than the slogan "Are you ready to take the crown?"
just like what you did with u5203173's logo.
It would be cool if the t from the world of kings is a sword and there are treasures beside the slogan.
surprise me :)
@kazix07Try 1:

Can you please provide me the info where/ which game you are going to use it (any URL or so), PM me if you don't want it to be Public..


Hope you would like it...

@RDB your site logo is not been shown properly please Fix it...
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