Freakshare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Freakshare here.

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download counts go down day by day
this month i don't even have enough points to redeem 1 month free account
anyone know what happen to all the files i upload as premium users, immediately when i turn free user it all delete or after 30days?
btw, i have use more than 500gb already
I think that most of the good Filehosts that pay out do so once a month.......
Not even close, just because filefactory does that and you like them doesn't mean every "good" file host also does that or that they should. Depositfiles pays in less than 3 days after payout request, Bitshare pays in 10 days, Letitbit pays once every week, Turbobit pays twice a months, etc and they're all pretty reasonable hosts.
When do they update the ranks ??
I am stuck on low rank for the last 2 days, although i am getting good amount of downloads every day....
I Just Want Put My Experience With Freakshare Here.

If You Got a Free Account and Request a Payment. They pay, but when you receive the money they delete all the files on your account.

That's happened to me in two times.

So, make sure do your account premium before request your money.

Maybe you can loss all your files without any notification.
I have request payment at 7.05.2012 on webmoney
What you think, did I'll get paid?
What I should do? Write support ticket?
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they are cheating hard on download counts
many with 0 counts and the reason are not counting servers, they reason is cheating
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