Forgiveness Please!!

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Hey guys,

I m Hax0r[Faizann20],

Now Last Time I want to ask for my forgiveness from the Whole WJ members..

I promise you that I shall never do any RIP..

Please Guys Forgive me...

I really want to be in WJ.....

@MODS please let me see some replies then Ban me if these people dont want me to be here...
You should know better by now. I had no idea what was going on so I can forgive you but its not up to me to decide whether you should be un-banned or not.
Good luck on that :P
Well I was their when you were originally banned. It was Elio who banned you. I though it was a bit harsh and a temp ban would have done. It wasn't a direct rip. You honestly did think you changed the skin enough so it wasn't considered a rip imo.

You contacted me about being unbanned a few days later. I was only moderator so contacted Hyperz, Loget and Elio (all senior staff at the time) Elio was the only one that replied so nothing happened.

I'll talk with DeLeTeD, warezdemon and Loget. Nothing will be done as I'm at work so it will be 10 hours at the least before I'm home and get a chance to talk to them.
you had a second chance you blew it already please don't bother rejoining as any further accounts will be instantly perm banned.
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