Fly by night Filehosts -why you still use new one ?

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hi guys,
this thread is mainly created to make a awareness to users (for new and fooled users), these days, we saw a new thread created in wjunction official support by new filehost everyday, they're mostly fly by night filehosts.

My question is, why you guys are not ready to use Trusted filehosts..?

whose admins are always here and give support and invested their time and money,
Trusted filehosts :
Turbobit, FileOM, Fileparadox, Kingfiles, even Rapidgator and shave sales, but they PAY.

(Turbobit/Hitfile from Russian side and they cut(collect) their operation cost from payout, so there is no point of closing their affilaite system and they're highly TRUSTED)

(i am not advertising above filehosts, from my long experience these are trusted)
Fly by night filehosts closed Eg:
Dizzcloud , Oteupload, is gone, even we all told or alert users about Dizzcloud is just a new name of extabit (same ip, same server) and will sca*, but users are not ready to hear this, now they understood, now they all are crying in their unsupported thread, who is respond you ..??

they just post their domain in Flippa and sell for 10k or 20k dollar easily, and they start new filehost with new attractive design, new domain and ofcourse NEW Wjunction username accounts.
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Some like to join filehosts like these because they usually have promos at the beginning such as bonus rates. Knowingly that they will eventually go off and running, smart uploaders will not have this as their primary file host but only as a mirror. Just like ponzi schemes dude.
I list some fly by night filehosts used to operate and scammed users here:

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mostly those been scammed by these filehosts are newbie uploaders and they deserved to be scammed anyway.:cough:
experienced uploaders usually will not invest their efforts and time to work with new filehosts pop out from nowhere.

it's easy to avoid being scammed by this fly by night filehosts, check their date of created thread in filehost sections. if they can sustain more than 6 months then you may consider to work with...if less than 6 months then you better beware to be scammed by them.

here is my simple guides:
1. check their thread started date
2. only consider filehosts operated more than 6 months at least


that's true, they attract newbie guys with promos, ope so due to this thread newbie may use trusted host.

nice list and appreciate your effort :)

we have to tell wjunction admin about "Sticky thread" in Filehost official support, Please Won't allow or sticky the thread of filehost less than 6 month.

few guys may think "Sticky thread" filehosts are trusted, but really not
^yes, agreed...or better ask admin to create separated sub-sections for 'new filehosts' and 'old+trusted filehosts' so users will be aware of them.

if they join new filehost and been scammed then it's their choice to risk themself by joining new filehosts...a hard lesson for them.:-=
lolz, this week also few filehosts opened, and our guys are welcoming them, but always beware if you still going to use new filehosts means, just add their links in the last, always use trusted filehosts links in top.
Awesome thread.

I had trusted CLZ in past and worked for 2 months but didn't get any money.
I don't want to make same mistake again so I am here to ask from experts.
Are these 4 hosts good?

Awesome thread.

I had trusted CLZ in past and worked for 2 months but didn't get any money.
I don't want to make same mistake again so I am here to ask from experts.
Are these 4 hosts good?


no. not a single one of them
Awesome thread.

I had trusted CLZ in past and worked for 2 months but didn't get any money.
I don't want to make same mistake again so I am here to ask from experts.
Are these 4 hosts good?

4. don't have PPD
Fileparadox seems to be trusted, may try low ppd
No comments on hulkfile

Best PPD is UMB, but they are US host, you need us rdp/vps to upload..otherwise NL server is very slow
Fileom try...
Secureupload paid on sunday
Turbobit is also good...
Hmm.. I will go with KINGFILES, FILEOM and TURBOBIT.

In FILEOM, which one I should choose?

1) PPD - Upto 20$ and filesize should be minimum 5mb.
2) PPS - 60% of Sales and 50% for every Rebills. Reseller Sales - 30% of Sales and 30% for every Rebills.
3) Mix - 40% of Download and 30% of sales and rebills and 20% of Reseller Sales and Rebills.

And - #1 Easy & Fast File Storage is new on WJ and I have seen many people using it now on various forums.
What do you guys say about this host?
They are just trying this new host or it is really good in some way?
they r just trying it buddy . dont get in trap of a host if its not atleast 6 month old no matter how good their affliate program may look bz if u have ur own site it will effect u too much in future.. people like to stick to host atleast for 1 yr or min 6 months if u try them... fileom u can try though if u go for pps i see some people use asfile from long time but i dont exactly know how good they count sales . if anyone can give insight on it , it be good .. and for fileom u can choose 1st plan if u have good free users traffic @ hullapulla

also now lot of guys are using "premium only" links, worst case is, they get sales, but filehost shave it.

Added after 6 Days 15 Hours:

in a short time another new filehost opened thread and now it's closed.

befile i think.
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After extabit cheat its hard to say which filehost is trusted they were the best and seemed very trusted but they just shattered us!
So, every time I work with any host I always bare in mind that it can also runaway.So,no high expectations no disappointments!
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