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Guys are careful. I think a good admin with balls, with 5 years of experience behind, you should take the responsibility to continue and risk losing everything or definitely closing. Asking for money support (our money) to keep a site that has had problems that do not depend on us, I can not trust. Ask your reports to go ahead .. Hosts are born, live, and finally die. It's been a loop for years. That's how it will always be.
Guys are careful. I think a good admin with balls, with 5 years of experience behind, you should take the responsibility to continue and risk losing everything or definitely closing. Asking for money support (our money) to keep a site that has had problems that do not depend on us, I can not trust. Ask your reports to go ahead .. Hosts are born, live, and finally die. It's been a loop for years. That's how it will always be.

-->You think we are faker? Then we would have shutdown the page without saying anything! We did not. We informed the users!
Guys are careful. I think a good admin with balls, with 5 years of experience behind, you should take the responsibility to continue and risk losing everything or definitely closing. Asking for money support (our money) to keep a site that has had problems that do not depend on us, I can not trust. Ask your reports to go ahead .. Hosts are born, live, and finally die. It's been a loop for years. That's how it will always be.

-->You think we are faker? Then we would have shutdown the page without saying anything! We did not. We informed the users!

I'm not saying it's wrong to inform users, I'm thinking it's wrong to ask for money support. For a problem that is not mine, every Admin has its own way of thinking, I'm of the idea that either you take the responsibility and you risk continuing or closing completely. That is why I say that I do not trust why, or it goes on and it is still files are lost or closed and anyway the files are lost the same.
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Capitan Moron

there are 2 Options
1) He close the site, noone will ever get any money again
2) He get the support from the users who got years paid, he not ask for any cent, he ask that the user not request 1 payment.

if you not wanna give the support imagine FlashX Is now Offline and hes Gone,you lost your credit and all is fine like with 1000 other hosters, you wont get the money, but we ( most of us exept some stupid idiots like you ) wanna have flashx running again, also if we lose 1 time Payment.

Added after 4 minutes:

and no, he not Lost all files again, he lost ( told me on skype ) about 43%, as evryone of you know how many files it was, its for the most guys possible that no file of you is affected, but you will see this as soon he goes online, not before.
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Capitan Moron

there are 2 Options
1) He close the site, noone will ever get any money again
2) He get the support from the users who got years paid, he not ask for any cent, he ask that the user not request 1 payment.

if you not wanna give the support imagine FlashX Is now Offline and hes Gone,you lost your credit and all is fine like with 1000 other hosters, you wont get the money, but we ( most of us exept some stupid idiots like you ) wanna have flashx running again, also if we lose 1 time Payment.

Added after 4 minutes:

and no, he not Lost all files again, he lost ( told me on skype ) about 43%, as evryone of you know how many files it was, its for the most guys possible that no file of you is affected, but you will see this as soon he goes online, not before.

Well it is a personal opinion, there is still freedom of thought no? I do not trust it, I see it maybe differently I prefer to go ahead. It's my choice, maybe I lose and flashx back, maybe not, and I'm right. Even though only 43% are lost, it's always a good slice of files that have gone. And then why do you keep the reports to users, when for 5 years you have always paid absolutely I do not want to bargain on this .. but you also held a% (precent) to each payment and I do not think that you have retained a part " For emergencies "of this. That's why I do not like being a customer support.
And that's my way of thinking. One my site I keep it alive as long as you do not risk losing everything. I do not ask for anybody's support. Anyway I do not want to argue with you guys anymore. I saw it this way, I might be wrong or not and my choice .. Bye.
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maybe I lose and flashx back

-> Registred May 2017 -> same month where the hack happen
-> First Post a few days after the Hack -> [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]There are days that writing on the site is "come back Saturday" but no one news.. PM no answer, I think it is now the end of the games
-> All posts from you are readable like your happy that flahsx had this problem.
-> Just posts in Flashx Thread
-> Noone lose if flashx come back, exept people who not wanna have flashx online, i dont even belive that your a user from flashx, i think your just a troll

Just go there where you was before this day, noone is intressted in your bullshit,
maybe I lose and flashx back

-> Registred May 2017 -> same month where the hack happen
-> First Post a few days after the Hack -> [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]There are days that writing on the site is "come back Saturday" but no one news.. PM no answer, I think it is now the end of the games
-> All posts from you are readable like your happy that flahsx had this problem.
-> Just posts in Flashx Thread
-> Noone lose if flashx come back, exept people who not wanna have flashx online, i dont even belive that your a user from flashx, i think your just a troll

Just go there where you was before this day, noone is intressted in your bullshit,

LOL man really? I've been using flashx from two years, He always paid, and I always had a good feedback... and I registered here right after it happened to have more info ... not that if a user here is not registered does not have a site and never used hosts in general. Please dude i just expressed my personal opinion that i do not like the idea of support required by the admin. You are that you're pulling down controversy over controversy .. Do you think I'm a troll? Okay, No problem man, I sleep the same night .. Bye :smokin:
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I very happy that flashx is back again!
I can make new money now and find man for ugly sister!
And you can have my old pending too. No problem!
Sister must wait bit longer then for man, but really no problem, sister look like gandhi (that is problem :( ) and now she must wait like gandhi.
Great you back! :)
Where are the subtitles?

Added after 2 Days 22 Hours:

Do not receive payment?

Added after 3 minutes:

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #D9D9D9"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #D9D9D9"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]2017-05-21[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]$xx.xx[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]REJECTED[/TD]
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You wont get the money back from the day before the hacker attack, there was just 2 options, all lose there money, or flashx will close forever, in both options all lose the money, so stop cry,
You wont get the money back from the day before the hacker attack, there was just 2 options, all lose there money, or flashx will close forever, in both options all lose the money, so stop cry,
yeah sure he just can slow the payments and paid all users after 2-3 months. you think he dont earn profit on this job?
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