flashX.tv | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

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Payment received. Thank You!

Please fix the external subs. They don't seem to display properly.
Have mentioned this to you and before and never received a reply.
stats frozen?
me to this morning stats show zero and now 23 cents !

--> Please write to info@flashx.to, too and please send us the urls where you share your links!

Added after 1 4 minutes:

stats frozen?

me to this morning stats show zero and now 23 cents !

--> We checked everything and found the issue. It's an issue from KODI / XMBC
--> Every visitors which using a mobile device or a normal browser without KODI is ok.
--> So, it's not our fault. A lot of hoster dont't work in KODI at the moment. We checked a few hoster in KODI a few minutes ago!
--> Sorry for this, but we could do nothing in this case.
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Robertus he answered this above. Stats dropped from around 11 to 1 here also.

--> We checked everything and found the issue. It's an issue from KODI / XMBC
--> Every visitors which using a mobile device or a normal browser without KODI is ok.
--> So, it's not our fault. A lot of hoster dont't work in KODI at the moment. We checked a few hoster in KODI a few minutes ago!
--> Sorry for this, but we could do nothing in this case.

Robertus he answered this above. Stats dropped from around 11 to 1 here also.

--> We checked everything and found the issue. It's an issue from KODI / XMBC
--> Every visitors which using a mobile device or a normal browser without KODI is ok.
--> So, it's not our fault. A lot of hoster dont't work in KODI at the moment. We checked a few hoster in KODI a few minutes ago!
--> Sorry for this, but we could do nothing in this case.

Added after 3 minutes:

BTW: We earned in the past NO money with kodi / xmbc visitors, because these visitors don't saw our advertisings.
Nevertheless we paid every user (YOU) for these visitors, we paid the servers for these visitors and we paid the traffic (bandwidth) for these visitors.

We have made by these visitors much loss. But we paid you anyway for these visitors. So do not think that we are the bad guys.
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xbmc/kodi i have no control over that so you're telling me more than 90% of my view come for there ?

--> Hey, yes, we activated the log files for 15 minutes and saw a lot of kodi / xmbc user agents in the log files!
--> All other users which not added links to these five sites, have no losses in revenue. So the addon for these sites for Kodi is damaged.
--> Other users which have own sites or added links to another sites have the same earnings like before! The users can confirm this!
can you pm me the logs and what five sites

--> Please write to info@flashx.tv (we send no logs, because of user security)
--> BTW: We test kodi again, and we found other hoster (thevideo, cloudtime, thevideobee and so on...) which don't work at the moment. You could try it by yourself with kodi + addons
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if I only post flashx on my own site? I won't be affected with this KODI / XMBC thing?

I'm thinking of using flashx again for my sites.


--> That's correct. Or you could post on sites, which have no kodi addon.

Only a little information, here you see how many kodi/xmbc visitors we have in only a few minutes:

--- real visitors ---
Normal visitor: 97596x
Opera: 4026x
Mobile: 350x
iPad, iPhone: 6992x
Total: 108964x human visitors

--- kodi/xmbc visitors ---
Kodi other user agent: 15100x
XMBC: 265x
Kodi user agent: 5135x
Kodi other user agent 2: 8232x
Total: 28732x KODI/XMBC visitors

--- OTHER ---
Facebook: 42x
Proxy: 962x
VLC: 110x
Unknown: 310x
Filechecker: 2004x
Google: 280x
Uploadtools: 405x
Yahoo: 336x
Yandex: 2394x
Total: 6843x not real visitors
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