First Official Piece of GFX

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Active Member
Okay, I've had photoshop for around a week now and after reading tutorials, learning new techniques etc. this is my first graphic piece i am posting.


Please leave comments on how to improve

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Well, tbh i came in here thinking, oh man, this is gonna suck.
I lookeed at it, and although you havent done much, it sure as hell doesnt suck.
A few tips though:
1:The render looks distorted, hold shift when resizing.
2:The bg is kinda bland, might wanna change it around a bit,
3:Read A LOT of tutorials, you have real potential man, you can clearly distinguish a good piece of art from a bad one, even when it comes to your own, not a lot of people can do that.

I cant give you specific advice yet as your still developing your style. But yeah, also I'd learn a bit of theory, flow, composition and all that, it really helps.
Okay thanks for that, and nice to know it doesnt suck :P

I'll take your advice and hopefully can come out with a better result in the next piece i do.

Thanks again.
I actually like the bg and the text. Every sig Isn't supposed to look alike and I think he got the effect he was going for...
nice m8 .... according to me u learn only when u do them more .. by practising ....

if u want any kind of help in it contact me :) ...

even tho i i'm not that good in GFX ... i know how i can help a good GFXer !!
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