Finding staff

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Baby Jesus

Active Member
How do you all find staff? I notice so many sites that are smaller than mine with 20 uploaders and 5 super-mods and all this staff... I try and try to get more staff, even moderators/smods and no luck... I have one smod and 5 uploaders and we're a 5* site with 5.2k members... I don't get it!!!
Well first off I already own other sites with member base, so my Mods/Admins are from my staff at my other sites. Rarely you get a staff member who wants to help sincerely (Some dude named Drubei from katzforums wanted to help me out, so I made him Gmod)

It's hard getting staff for things they don't want in return though =\

But with 5.2k members try making a public announcement for Staff Applications (if you haven't already) maybe someone will join up.
finding good staff is hard. i have my admin team since my first forum a couple of years back. i have even advertised for mods and good help is hard to find for someone who doesnt want anything in return. hang in there m8 we all share some of the same issues.
I'd be happy to offer something in return, I mean seriously, but I have no idea what they'd want... Money, no way, RS - Well, if their uploading, what the hell would they want another RS for if they only upload to get points? Ugh, Idk... lol...
move some of your uploaders to say mod send them a pm saying they are doing realy well and you would like to see how they get on as mod

also look for good regular members who visit a lot and post and interact with others
once you have found a few send them pms and ask if they would be intrested in joining the team

ive always taken this approach and it works

btw dont ever offer anything for helping out, once you start that shit you have to do it all the time
you will find most will gladly do it just for having the badge on there arm so to speak:)

mass email all members with a news letter and mention your looking for quality staff and training can be given if needed

good luck
(Some dude named Drubei from katzforums wanted to help me out, so I made him Gmod)
FYI, his an admin at smartwarez I think.

Easy way is to manually PM potential staff that are active, not just in posting new downloads but ones that are active in discussion forums
No probs,it's worked for me. But you have to keep pming new members that you see practically each day. Most of the time they'll be flattered to be Pmed by the admin of the forum. ;)
I got troubles similar to you, all I have known retired and left me without warning.

Creating a working staff is one of factors govern how far you are successful.

Respect your staff, help them with the best you can, Be friendly with the best ones, never annoy if they ask you about anything.
FYI, his an admin at smartwarez I think.

Easy way is to manually PM potential staff that are active, not just in posting new downloads but ones that are active in discussion forums

Yes I am. I'm an Admin at SmartWarez, Gmod at SceneW, and a Proud katzforums active member. I choose my forums carefully and offer help to those I find interesting.

But yeah, Most members are scared to pm admin or mods, So PMing them does make them feel wanted. I find that most active members do want to be a staff. They are just shy to PM a higher staff. So replying to their threads and chatting with them really help them open up and feel more comfortable.
first time i went to your forum to look at that announcement. let me make my comments although they might look a bit strict if u see me as a 2* katz site:

Please include
- First Name:
- Age:
- Location:
- Point of Contact: aim/msn/etc
- Why you want to join:

^^ we are talking about warez. not many would be willing to share their ID. X-(

- Uploads posted to as a 5 star site
- Free VIP, a slowly growing section.
- A pretty blue name <3
- Access to Ghost's account after 50 uploads
(Uploads must be of warez from all sections [apps, movies, music, porn, other], Basically meaning not just 50 5mb appz)
1)katz is a GREAT DDL it s the best out there and sends more traffic than any other BUT there are more DDLs (6th page average on katzporn and get 1000 visits daily and wareznext i m first page at the bottom and get 200 or so but still it is something if u submit to many of them.

- At least 10 postS a week in (the) guest section.
- The 10 posts combined must equal 300+ mb.
- All files must be uploaded to rapidshare as primary mirror, other services as a mirror are welcome
- Password on files must be "" or the file name must have in it
-> Such as "blah-v2.3-SUPER-WAREZ.COM"
- You MUST post your uploads in batches of 5 or 10 - it makes submits easier.
1) fix your grammar :D
2) why rapidshare? that and mediafire are the only ones that don't pay. plus whatever mirror if they advertise your site why would you care...
3)You MUST post your uploads in batches of 5 or 10 - it makes submits easier. >>unreasonable IMO :P

hope i helped :-)
I didn't write that last requirements part, I'll revise it, however rapidshare is a must for all my uploaders. I'm a dedicated rapidshare warez'er and that's the way I'll stay, so if I run a site, all my downloads from my uploaders in the guest section must have an RS mirror. It may deffer some people, but in the long run, there's no way it will hurt us.

As for other DDL sites, I'm looking in to it, however I don't quite fancy having 500 buttons in my footer. I'd rather have a slightly slower-growing site that's nicer to be on than one that's messy and growing too fast.
I didn't write that last requirements part, I'll revise it, however rapidshare is a must for all my uploaders. I'm a dedicated rapidshare warez'er and that's the way I'll stay, so if I run a site, all my downloads from my uploaders in the guest section must have an RS mirror. It may deffer some people, but in the long run, there's no way it will hurt us.
I don't know if thats a good way to really go about it.

Its as bad as having a domain name dedicated to rapidshare !! =\
I don't know if thats a good way to really go about it.

Its as bad as having a domain name dedicated to rapidshare !! =\

I really see nothing wrong with being known for having a rapidshare mirror for all the guest downloads... Would any respected guys (meaning 5* webmasters, wjunction staff etc, other experienced people) like to comment? Maybe I'm just crazy :P
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