Hello WJunction users,
I would like to introduce Filezy.net to wjunction community.
What is Filezy?
Filezy is a free file hosting. We provide fast downloading and uploading speed.
Why Filezy?
We provide fast download and upload speed and premium support to our uploaders.
We provide the following options :
- Web Upload
- FTP Upload
- Remote Upload ( With Rapidshare, Netload and Bitshare support for registered users)
- z-o-o-m Uploader
Our PPD Plan

*We count 1 IP per file per day, So same user can download multiple files and you get paid for each download. Files have to be 60% downloaded to be counted.
Our PPS Plan
This plan has been CANCELLED
This plan has been CANCELLED
Passive income
We have stable referral program. When user is registered with your referal link, 5% of his profits will be credited to your account.
if you have a web-site, you can start earning right now! Simply register and confirm your website in your affiliate panel. You earn 10% of the money generated from the traffic you send to us. You can see all our banners here

Now you have the option to convert videos to MP4

NEW FEATURES (May 19th 2013)
- Subtitle Support : You can now upload subtitles to your flv/mp4 video files. Simply go to your file manager and under 'Subtitle' column you will find the option to add subtitles (.srt) files.
- Torrent Leech : We have added torrent leech, you may upload one torrent file at a time for now since we are still in beta stage and would like to make sure everything will go smoothly.
- Delete Folders : the File manager has been cleaned up and we have also added the option to remove folders.
(*UPDATED April 27th 2013)
Limits for non-registered users:
- 200kbps download speed.
- 30 seconds waiting time for first download.
- NO waiting time for next download.
- Ads
- Captcha (Removed)
- Inactive files delete after 5 days
Limits for registered users:
- 200kbps download speed.
- 15 seconds waiting time for first download.
- NO waiting time for next download.
- Ads
- Captcha (Removed)
- Inactive files delete after 45 days
- Unlimited storage space
Limits for premium users:
- 20mbps download speed.
- No Waiting
- No Ads
- No Captcha
- Files are kept forever
- Unlimited storage space
Coming Soon
- Upload Manager
- PPS (Removed)
- and many more
If you ever have any questions or need help with anything feel free to contact us using any of the methods mentioned below:
PM uae
PM me
Email us: support@filezy.net
You can also use our support portal: http://support.filezy.net
for more details you can visit http://filezy.net/affiliates.html
Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions to make Filezy better.
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