- PPD (30USD/10000) & Video Streaming (30USD/10000) - No Download Limits

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The upload speed is good for me ~55000 KB/ Sec

It is clear that there is a problem in the stats,
Is this the downloads are not counted correctly?
Or is it the rates are not good?
I do not know, but I have confidence in Ahoura to fix this.


This is the rate that is not good, the first file downloaded today 700MB 0.0015$ 1.5$/1000 Dl
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where's ahoura now.....? the new ppd rates are a joke.

and he also said after the site came back, min. payout would be $1 for everyone, so that anyone could cashout, but that didn't happen either....

and now he's not even replying to anyone, here or on skype..... :facepalm:

Welcome Back,

I lost my PPS Ahoura.

Dear SPirata,

We have disabled PPS, please read the news entry on the site.

If you would like to continue with PPS, you may contact me.


Added after 4 minutes:

The My account page says 50mb and higher. Are you not still counting all files 1mb and higher?

Also, any news on a potential promotional event?


We have changed the affiliate program, please see our affiliate page for the new rates. The new rates are low however we have removed all the limitations, so any user can download a file by just waiting 30 seconds.

We are still looking into a promotional event.


Added after 2 minutes: really slow unusable!!

I apologize about that, We were under a heavy DDOS attack, now it should be fine.


site is not slow everything is normal, but all my files are gone :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

2013-04-20 $xx.xx PENDING
when do you pay???

welcome back filezy :handshake:

Thanks, We will try to process the payments as soon as possible.


Added after 2 minutes:

he's asking for time, so let him have some times...right now pocking him will only hinder the re-setup process of the site. So lets wait until they fix everything :)

I appreciate your support :). Everything is fixed now. So feel free to come on skype.


what happen to PPD rate ?? 3$ for 1000 downloads??

Yes we have changed the affiliate program. Check out our affiliate page for more details.


Added after 5 minutes:

The upload speed is good for me ~55000 KB/ Sec

It is clear that there is a problem in the stats,
Is this the downloads are not counted correctly?
Or is it the rates are not good?
I do not know, but I have confidence in Ahoura to fix this.


This is the rate that is not good, the first file downloaded today 700MB 0.0015$ 1.5$/1000 Dl

Dear Linkx,

We have changed the rates, so stats are working but the rates are just lower.


Added after 2 minutes:

LOL looks like my prediction is going to come true soon!

this host will be dead very soon as every host makes a dive here with their appealing 35$ PPD Plan and then disappears after 1 or 2 months
the same fate awaits this host

Dear Machar,

Unfortunately for you, your prediction couldnt have been more wrong, does it look like we are running away/disappearing? We have only changed our rates and the setup of the site so we can stay around longer!

Added after 4 minutes:

hey ahoura , you've made ​​a mistake


you thought to make 1024 not 10240 this is high number :p but I like it

Not a mistake, as I mentioned earlier, we have removed all limitations and there is absolutely no reason for any user to upgrade to premium.

The reason for this change was to remove the dependency of payment processors, and this way we will last much longer, your users will be happier and you will receive more downloads.

Added after 2 minutes:

where's ahoura now.....? the new ppd rates are a joke.

and he also said after the site came back, min. payout would be $1 for everyone, so that anyone could cashout, but that didn't happen either....

and now he's not even replying to anyone, here or on skype..... :facepalm:


About the payouts, they will be processed within the next 2-3 days for all the users.
Anyone with a balance of 1USD can PM me (I will inform you about the time) and request your money.

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I know how they do it. I have contacted the same processor as them, Its a russian payment processor (Will not mention the name for obvious reasons).


You may still get a custom PPS rate (however we discourage users to go with PPS), and you can still get a custom PPD rate based on your traffic.
Ouch wholesale rate changes [:|]
I'm really disappointed! How many you lost with time.
I have not had to extend my account is wasted 12$ for it.
It remains only to delete the files re-uploaded I believe...
Hi Linkx,

We can certainly credit your premium purchase back into your account if you would like.

Please note that we are flexible with premiums and other terms, we just simply cant give our users 20USD per 1000 downloads anymore since we removed all the download limits. If you can bring a large amount of traffic, then PM me and I can give you a custom rate.

no offense dude but $3/1000? LOL!
I would have to upload 100TB of content to earn 2-3$ per day with such rates
its just my point of view since I dont use your services

btw the first step towards disappearance is indicated by either no payments or reduction of affiliate rates
no1 wished to remove the limits of download
are you becoming a free file host? how do you expect people to generate sales when there are no limits :D

filehosts like you always have made a dive into this market and after 2-3months you are unable to cope up with your expenses and then start applying various revenue reduction techniques on the affiliates
$3/1000 is good without any limitation in download for free users

but i have another problem:

If i want to login is comes the message: You can't login from this IP. although my ip has not changed.

i send you a pm
no offense dude but $3/1000? LOL!
I would have to upload 100TB of content to earn 2-3$ per day with such rates
its just my point of view since I dont use your services

btw the first step towards disappearance is indicated by either no payments or reduction of affiliate rates
no1 wished to remove the limits of download
are you becoming a free file host? how do you expect people to generate sales when there are no limits :D

filehosts like you always have made a dive into this market and after 2-3months you are unable to cope up with your expenses and then start applying various revenue reduction techniques on the affiliates

Again I would have to disagree with you, you are extremely mis-informed and I dont blame you. No payments could simply mean that the host's account has been banned, I have other sites and we do sometimes miss payments and delay them for a week but we didnt run away with anyone's money.
About the reduction of rates, hosts decrease the rates and tighten up the limits, but we decided to remove the limits and decrease the rates.

If you take a second and read the info we have posted here and on our site you would know that we cancelled our PPS/MIXED plans, because we do not expect users to make any sales.

"filehosts like you always have made a dive into this market and after 2-3months you are unable to cope up with your expenses and then start applying various revenue reduction techniques on the affiliates"
How well do you know us? you are simply judging us based on the events that took place in the past week which were out of our control. Again you are simply just looking at the money, you are ignoring the fact that there are no limits on downloads etc.


I aint complaining since I have nothing to complain about
I was just enlightening affiliates about the future of this filehost ;)

Unless you are Nostradamus, I would appreciate it if you could stop making accusations without any proof.
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